Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Ayden!

Today my little big boy turns FIVE!!! It seems like the last five years have just flown by my eyes! Ayden has been the best blessing and I am so grateful for the opportunity to call myself his mom!

I can’t believe that five years ago I was introduced (face to face that is) to the little guy that wants to dig into his ice cream cake today more than anything, well maybe after he digs into his gifts!

He has quite the personality these days! For those who really get to know him can see him pop out of his shell and become the talkative and sometimes sassy little boy that I see every day! He has this sweet soul and often surprises me with wanting to just sit outside on the swing with me or passing out hugs and kisses! But mommy also sees the tantrums he throws and just laughs when he thinks he is going to get his way! He has his mom’s determination and his dad’s knack for wrestling!

His little mind often wonders about the craziest things and I’ve already had some pretty deep conversations with him. He has a superb memory when it comes to events he really had fun at! He still talks about a water park trip with his auntie and uncle more than six months ago! And he often reminds me of things I said that even I have forgotten!

Every day brings something new with Ayden and I look forward to the phrase (and nose poke) ‘wakey wakey eggs and bakey’ each and every morning! Ayden often wakes me up every morning and I always ask him the same three things… ‘how did you sleep?’ ‘what did you dream about?’ ‘did you stay warm enough?’ And he smiles just the same! A smile I will never get sick of!

So no matter how much I want to freeze time and keep my little guy nice and little and cuddleful (yes, I made that a word) forever and ever… I look forward to the years and years that are to come… the years in which my little guy will grow into a young man and so on and so forth…

I hope you enjoy the picture montage I’ve put together… Ayden on his birthday for the last four years (well at least at his parties because this year is the first year we’ve actually had his party ON his birth DATE)!













(Picture/s to come for five!)