Sunday, August 23, 2009

I’m a total nerd!


I labeled all my binders with nice ‘cover sheets’ and even made my own planner for this fall! Ah, what an organized neat freak of a nerd I can be sometimes! I even went so far as to email the first year grad students from last year to ask them what to expect… well I mean they just went through it and all! And you know what? Three of the five have already gotten back to me and even better… I feel about a MILLION times better already! Like today I was have some serious anxiety issues about the end of summer coming and the fact that I only have one week left before grad school starts! It just wasn’t going over very well with me today and well now I feel like I can sort of breathe again!

This week will be all about getting the final touches done for Ayden and myself regarding school. He needs some Kleenex and crackes/pretzels for school and I just need to review some material. However, I still need to call his school to make sure he is enrolled there. It wouldn’t be so bad, but since we moved and he was transferred, I don’t want us to show up at ‘meet the teacher night’ and him not on any teacher list and then us screwed because school starts the following day and us not knowing which school he is enrolled in. Crazy, right?! So, it’s just overly organized freaky nerd Ashley making sure all the cards are in order!

And then I need to stop by the YMCA to make sure all of his before and after school care stuff is in order. Oh, and then there is registering for soccer and possibly hockey (although at this point in time Ayden says he doesn’t want to play hockey), but I think he would have lots of fun playing it. I don’t want to be one of those moms that makes their child play a sport that they don’t want to because I swore that I wouldn’t be… but I think he just doesn’t know the full extent of what he would be doing. Who knows?!

Here is what happens when Ayden concentrates… I love me some Hoerth tongue! Okay, definitely not what it sounds like, because face it, you thought that way too (or at least I know I did when I typed it). Maybe I should have written ‘I love me some Ayden and his look of concentration!’ Hehe!

IMG_0410  IMG_0407 IMG_0405

Because whether or not you think so… I think it is way too darn cute!

And here’s my cutie in all his birthday glory with his wonderful shirt on, although by the end of the day the iron on was starting to peel off and I was rather disappointed and he was pretty upset that the shirt was ruined, but I’m going to see what I can do with it because he really liked it! And his oh so yummy ice cream cake!
