Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Schwobe Camping and Minnesota Trip

Two posts in one day! Yeah me! Well, I could have made one really long one about a hodge podge of sort of things, but I didn’t want to so instead of continuing in my ‘Bad Mood’ post about all of the fun that I’ve been having, I thought I would start a whole new one!

The past five days have just flown by us and they’ve been great… bad rain storms and power outages and all!

Last Friday Jay and I left for Schwobe camping just after 5pm. We pretty much knew where we were going and had plans to meet up with our little guy at the camp site, since my dad had picked him up on the way!

We made it to the campsite and oh to see the look on Ayden’s face when he saw mommy and daddy after a week! I was so excited to see him as well! It was a great reunion, lol! But it took only about two seconds on loving on mommy and daddy before he was back to playing with his new buddies (cousins he doesn’t get to see very often).

Friday night was spent getting things set up and relaxing for a while by the bonfire. Ayden was running around with Alexis and Mitchell just having a ball of a good time!

The storms Friday night were pretty good! We got lots and lots of rain and lots and lots of power outages! Sleep for myself and Jay was not so hot since we were on the air mattress and both were not super tired. We usually don’t go to bed until after 11pm and everyone had pretty much dispersed from the campfire by 10:30pm and to top it off… I had taken a nap Friday afternoon so I wasn’t REALLY not tired!

But, alas, we made it through the night, only to wake to rain in the morning! We thought it was going to be a pretty cruddy day with the way that the weather was shaping up to be, but in fact…it was a fabulous day!

The weather cleared up by late morning and the sun started to make an appearance! It got really warm, although not as hot as it is supposed to get later this week. We played some family volley ball in the morning and I even joined in for two games, although I’m definitely no volleyball star! Hehe! And then it was off to swim the rest of the day away, at least for the kids. For as much as Ayden was in and out of the pool and in and out of the lake, I didn’t don a swimsuit once! Of course that doesn’t mean I stayed completely dry either! The camp grounds even had a little water slide for the kids to go down and Ayden was able to go down this one so that was awesome!

After a long day of swimming and just having fun, we left late at night and headed home for a good nights sleep before heading out to Minnesota Sunday morning!

It wasn’t a super early morning or anything on Sunday, but we were out of the house before 9:30am which I thought was a feat in and of itself! Sunday held the Children’s Museum, hotel check-in, Mall of America skimming, and Underwater Adventure… Monday held the Minnesota Zoo, Moose Mountain Mini Golf, and a little more Mall of America perusing, along with hotel pool fun… and today held just a little more Mall of America walking which led us to the Mirror Maze and game store! It was a busy three days with lots of eating out and two late nights! Not to mention the power went out for about an hour way early Monday morning which kept me awake because the hotel room was TOO quiet! Weird, I know… can’t sleep when it’s too quiet!

Both drives (to and from Minnesota) were pretty good. The drive home (although it took probably the same amount of time, if not less since we took a different way) seemed to take forever! But I think that is because the road we took home was a LOT straighter and seemed to go on FOREVER AND EVER! But we eventually made it home only a little more worn out and tired!

Two days at home… with Ayden accompanying me to work since we have no child care, and then off to my mom’s house for the weekend before Ayden spends a week at my dad’s house. Where is the summer going?!

My brother is having surgery tomorrow… something with his ear again. I’m not sure of the exact name of the procedures that he’s having, but apparently since one of his veins runs pretty close to where they were going to be cutting in, it could get a little dicey in there for a while. I really hope that they don’t find the cyst regrown and are able to put the titanium rods in to help increase his hearing again since he has such a significant loss right now in one of his ears.

Okay, this was the condensed version of the past couple of days. I’m going to try and make a better effort at blogging a little more since I’ve been so bad lately. Please forgive!