Friday, May 8, 2009

Goodbye Undergrad Class… FOREVER!!!

Today marks my last undergrad class…EVER! Oh and I am so excited because that means NO MORE HEARING SCIENCE! I cannot wait to get this class done and over with, what a relief it will be. Oh, and remember that horrible hearing science test that I had to take about two weeks ago. Well, we got our results back and the professor ended up adding 29 points to everyone’s test meaning I got an ‘A’! I am not brave enough to figure out my score without the extra 29 points, but I don’t really want to know it either. I am happy that he understood that the test was difficult and that he will have to make some changes on it for next year and even happier that he added those extra points. I just might come out with an ‘A’ in the class now! Just need to study for the final, which isn’t until next Wednesday.

Tonight after Jay gets home I am going to head to my mom’s house. I am going with her tomorrow morning when she gets her new tattoo. It is my mother’s day gift to her! She is super excited, as am I. However it is tempting me because tattoos are addicting, lol! Nah, I’m not ready for another one already. I am content and feel ‘balanced’ with what I do have on me, as weird as that may sound. Some people may wonder why at the age of 22 I already have three tattoos. Three tattoos that I am going to have to live with for the REST of my life. But it’s not so much as having to ‘live’ with them as them being a part of who I am. The angel on my back is for Ayden and it is not something that I can see without a mirror so even if at one point I was upset that I got it, it’s not as if I have to see it everyday. I’d say most of the time I forget its even there. I think the one on my wrist is one that many people would probably see as a problem because it is so just there. It means ‘persistence’ and keeps me believing that I can accomplish ANYTHING as long as I have persistence. I LOVE IT! And the newest one on my foot says ‘Believe’ with Ayden’s footprints. ‘Believe’ is also such a strong point in my life and keeping me going. Believing in so many things! Staying positive! I don’t know what my future will hold, but I’d like to think that I will be forever happy with the decisions to get my tattoos.

Anyways, it will be nice to ‘hang’ out with my mom and sister tonight for a while without having to keep an eye on Ayden as well. Jay and Ayden will be staying in Point until after soccer tomorrow and then coming to join me for the weekend. We will spend Sunday at his parent’s house celebrating Mother’s Day with the rest of his mom’s side of the family.

I will hopefully start studying Sunday night for my final on Monday in my sociology class. Usually these tests are not too hard, although I did not do as well as I would have liked on the previous one. I am so glad to be done with that class because it really was not my thing. I have a few errands to run today… not really in the mood to do them, but I suppose that they need to get done at some point so I might I as well do them. I just need to decide if I want to do them this morning or wait until after I pick Ayden up from school. I am leaning more towards waiting because then it will make the afternoon time go faster.

I also still need to fill out the rest of the information regarding the before/after school program for Ayden, but I was waiting for some new from our case worker yet. I did get some news yesterday, but not quite was I was looking for. I think I will get that finished up next week for sure. And then there the rest of the paper work that I need to get filled out for grad school in the fall, although I don’t think any of that stuff is due until the end of July (I think) and there really isn’t all that much to fill out. Just waiting until afternoon next Wednesday when I am completely done with undergrad school.

After that… it is cleaning and getting ready for the party on Saturday! Although I am getting a little irritated at people. I sent out the invitations two weeks ago with a request to RSVP with not only my phone number, but also my email address… only ONE couple has RSVP’d that I didn’t already know was planning on coming BEFORE I sent the invites out. Oh wait, sorry… two have! Unless everyone plans to let me know the day before, I think they should really get on that. I’m sure that there have been times where I have not RSVP’d and gone, but really… Does that mean no one else is planning on coming? I mean, I am not having this all out big celebration, but there is a big difference in the amount of food you need if only ten people are coming versus twenty, right? Okay, I will chill… I know I need to.

Okay… I’m most likely going to be gone for the whole weekend so HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!!