Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

It's been a great mother's day thus far... although I haven't really done much, expect smooch on my little guy every chance that he will let me. And not to worry, he's been smooching on me just as much, so I will definitely take it. That doesn't happen all that often and I'm assuming less and less as he gets older. I'll take what I can get, right? Lol!

I'm about ready to head home for a good nights sleep. Friday night on a slightly less than comfortable couch and last night in a slightly more comfortable bed (yet not my own) has left me craving for some sleep. And the funny this is that I got less sleep this weekend than I normally do during the week. Aren't weekends supposed to be for sleeping in? That's what I thought!

I have yet to study for my exams. I am just SO not in the mood for that. Who wants to study Social Gerontology on Mother's Day? Didn't think so... so the studying will most likely hold off until tomorrow morning because that is the only time I will have left before the exam. I plan on working for a little while tomorrow morning, then studying for my sociology test and then heading off to review my hearing science tests. It hit me yesterday that after Wednesday I will be 'free' again until September. Another year successfully gone through! Yeah! However, that also means I need to get my head in the game for moving!

Yesterday, I went with my mom to get her new tattoo and I must say that it turned out awesome! My sister came along as well and she has caught the tattoo fever once again as well! I'd love to get another one right away like I said, but most likley won't! Anyways, it was a good time... even though we did get 'lost'. I ended up having to call Jay in the morning so he could look up directions for me because my mom's internet wasn't working and well I wasn't thinking that it just might not work when I needed it. He so kindly looked up the directions and I wrote them down, however three women navigating... we got lost. On the bright side we did arrive just on time, just from a different direction than we had anticipated. We ate at Culvers afterwards and it was super yummy (even though we were all too full for any of their delicious custard!) and then found a stellar deal on bras at Walmart. And by stellar... I mean super awesome! Any women knows that a good bra costs anywhere from like $7+... and if we are talking Victoria Secret probably $30+ (however I'm WAY too cheap to shop there for bras, well mostly anything in that store) anyways, we found bras on sale for... $1!!!!! Not super luxurious bras (i.e. fancy dancy VS bras), but definitely worth buying! Not that you care about my steal on bras, but I was excited... still am, lol!

But did you know what Walmart does not have? That's right, Walmart does not have all. They do NOT have purple streamers. What kind of store has like every other color of streamers, but not purple? Walmart! I think that the dollar store has purple ones, but I'll have to be sure sometime this week. Plus the dollar store is a cheaper. I need purple and yellow for my party decorations, you know the few that I will actually put up. Still hoping for good weather as well!