Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me Monday

Before after you get through my awesome list of ‘Not Me’s’ be sure to head over to MckMama’s (the brains behind this totally cool thing so many know as NOT ME MONDAY) and check out her list and everyone else that has linked with Mr. Linky! You’ll be glad you did!

Without further ado… what did I SO not do last week?

I did not almost start hyperventilating when I was doing my aud practicum because I am always super confident with what I am doing. I did not do my aud practicum on a friend who I am not totally comfortable with so there was absolutely no reason for me to get so nervous. I was not being watched by my supervisor who was not going to give me a grade. As I was administering the pure tones test I was not concerned about how I would give the speech test if I could not breathe. I did not calm down about half way through and end up getting a great grade! I am not glad to be done with it! Not at all!

I did not have a super great poster presentation. I was not glad to be done and over with that as well. I am not looking forward to a good grade that will definitely help boost my overall grade. I did not get my last hearing science test back… our teacher did not have to add 29 points to everyone’s test because we all did not do that bad. That test was not hard in the least! I was not relieved to see an ‘A’ after the addition of the 29 points. I do not think that I just might be able to pull out an ‘A’ in that class after all.

I did not go with my mom to get her new tattoo this weekend. We did not get lost on the way there. That totally was the only time we got lost on Saturday! We (my mom, sister, and I) did not have a great time together! I do not want another tattoo already!

I did not get a patio swing for Mother’s Day from my guys. I am not in love with them and my new swing. I can so wait until we move because I do not want to use said swing in our new yard!

I am looking forward to my finals this week with everything ounce of being I have. I studied for hours this weekend and feel completely comfortable with all of the knowledge that I have acquired throughout the semester!

I am not wishing for Wednesday afternoon already so I can be done with finals. I do not have ideas floating in my head for a crafty idea. I hate being crafty and never do crafty things. I am not excited to graduate on Saturday. I am not praying for decent weather and have not already checked the weather for Saturday last night and this morning. It did not change and I am not happy about it. I am not keeping my fingers crossed for sunshine!

I am not off to study some more… do not wish me luck on my finals!

What did you not do this past week?