Monday, May 11, 2009

One down… one to go!

I had my first of two (in class) finals today. I took my music one online a few weeks ago. I feel like I didn’t do anything all day besides study, well actually that is pretty much all I did do and it is kind of a bummer, lol! Studying all day long, never fun, and you know what… it is my plan for tomorrow as well.

I started out at work for a bit this morning. Then it was off to the student lounge where I met up with some classmates for about two hours of studying some social gerontology stuff. After those two hours, it was an hour in the room next door going over our old hearing science tests in preparation for the exam on Wednesday. Those two previous tests brought back many memories, and not very pleasant ones if I do say so myself. But I did go pretty good on the second test so much of that I did not need to recopy. I felt so bad for my friend who was there studying. She had a tooth pulled/extracted/some jaw ground out just that morning. Anyone who has had their wisdom teeth extracted knows the pain I’m talking about. Well… she was there (bleeding gums and gauze) taking notes. She had yet to take any pain medication when I saw her, mostly because she had to drive home. I wish we could have taken the tests home so she wouldn’t have had to endure that kind of pain. I was keeping an eye on her though because I didn’t want her to pass out or anything. When I left later she was still doing good!

After going over those hearing science tests, it was back to another 45 minutes of social gerontology studying and then 15 minutes of anything BUT studying! My classmates and I had had enough, lol! Needless to say the test went pretty well. I can’t imagine that I got a 100%, but I cannot imagine that I failed it either. I guess only time will tell, right? And so one done!

I am going into work early tomorrow before Jay leaves for his exam. Then I need to high tail it home so Jay can leave and I can get Ayden to school and then it’s back to the student lounge for hearing science studying!!! A few of my classmates will be there from about 10-2pm… I plan on attending, but don’t think I will be able to study for THAT long! I have a meeting at 1:30 with my supervisor to go over my hours and then I am going to another friend’s house to get some more studying done. She can’t make the lounge study group, and some extra study time won’t hurt me. Most likely I will forgo any studying then tomorrow night and do a little bit on Wednesday morning before the exam. Either way, I’m so ready to be done done done!!!

I am in the midst of doing some laundry right now. We had a TON that needed to be done and well, it is not my favorite chore. Actually, it probably does rank pretty high on my list, but I’m kind of brain drained tonight. Who’d blame me? Jay and I kind of got into it about cleaning tonight. I don’t know if he was serious with his statements, but I sure was with mine. From my perspective, unless I say something, nothing gets cleaned. Papers and soda bottles everywhere, messy living, dishes not done, floor not swept. He told me that he works all day so I should do the stuff around the house. I don’t think so buddy! Where I do agree with the fact that because he does work harder than me during the day (at least when he is working full time in the summer), I should do more of the stuff at home. It is only fair, however, I refuse to pick up the stuff that he gets out and LEAVES out FOREVER! I don’t mind picking up the toys, tidying the bedroom, vacuuming, etc… but I do mind him not offering to help, asking what he can do to help, just sitting around when he sees I’m cleaning. I mind him keeping his ‘computer area’ a mess when everything else is clean, I mind him leaving his clothes in a pile on the floor when there is nothing else on the floor, I mind the fact that he doesn’t seem to care about any of it either. I know I’m picky, I know I’m a little bit OCD when it comes to things being in their place and clean, but I can tolerate that lived in feeling, its just when it gets a little TOO lived in… if that makes any sense? Probably not. It’s probably just the tenseness that I’m feeling because it’s finals week and I am realizing just how much cleaning I feel needs to be done before my party this weekend.

I think the rest of tonight leaves me with lounging in bed and watching some nonsense TV and falling asleep early because I did not go to bed early last night like I had originally wanted to, unless someone out there thinks 11pm is early. I certainly don’t, lol!