Friday, May 22, 2009

Here comes the weekend!

I am so looking forward to this weekend, but there really isn’t any reason behind it, just the fact that it is the weekend and we get to stay home and the weather is going to be nice out. And… we have soccer tomorrow and it is supposed to be warm out, or at least warmer than last week. I’m a little disappointed though because Ayden has this week and next week of soccer left and they’ve only had two games so far. That means they will be having only four games this season and I paid for seven weeks of it. Talk about getting jewed, lol! Ah, oh well, he still has fun!

Jay got done with work super early today… 11am. Only because he worked late every other night this week and his employer will not let him work overtime. His manager would all but love it because they could get more work done, but the owner does not want to pay for it, so 40 hours it is and that was 11am this morning. Nice to have him home early, but we really didn’t do anything all afternoon.

I was kind of disappointed with Jay when I got home from work. I kind of expected that he would get the dishes done and pack up a few things while I was gone, but I got home and where do you think I found him… no where else but on the computer with nothing done. And he even put off doing the dishes last night because he said that he was going to do them when he got home from work early today. I was pretty disappointed because there was stuff that could definitely have been done, but I didn’t say anything to him. I just feel like I shouldn’t always be the one telling him to do things, but that he should just realize that they need to get done and do them. The slow cooker has been sitting on the counter the ENTIRE week filled with water and hasn’t been washed from my party yet. He is a big boy and should be able to do stuff without me having to make a list. I mean how hard is it to sweep the floor when you notice that it is pretty dirty?

I hate to nag the guy and I realize he does work all day and I can do some of the stuff, and I do, but I also think that he should take a hand in some of the housework. I don’t mind taking care of most of it, but I shouldn’t have to do ALL of it, nor should I have to constantly nag him on his fair share of it either. Just a little bit of venting.

But we’ve decided that tomorrow will be a cleaning/more packing type of day. We still have all of next week to stay here (for sure) and although we can for sure move stuff on the 1st (we, or should I say I am keeping my fingers crossed that we just might be able to move some stuff in next weekend, even though it technically isn’t the first, but I am also being realistic about it as well) but the first is a Monday and I don’t want to move everything on a Monday so we very well might be at least sleeping here (our current place) for another two weeks. And then there is the matter of getting our dish network and internet transferred to the new place and that is always fun, right? Or not! I am trying to stay positive that we might be able to get rid of Charter because they really SUCK! I know, it’s mean, but it’s true, they are expensive and have the WORST customer service and have screwed us over TWICE already!