Saturday, May 2, 2009

Looking Forward

Written Thursday night…

Two posts in one day definitely hasn’t been my forte lately, heck, sometimes I’m lucky if I post two times in one week, but I have the extra time tonight and guess what? I finished my music paper already tonight! It was three pages double spaced and it only needed to be two to three pages. I’m pretty sure that I just talked my way in circles for it and will suffice with at least a ‘B’ on the paper. Definitely not my best work, but it’s done and one more thing checked off my list.

I also got an email back from the clinic director that answered a lot of my questions which was good. From the tone of her email it seemed kind of ‘snappy’ but I doubt that was how she intended it. She is pretty nice and worked with me last semester so that was good. I know that she was just letting me know how it goes. Which is exactly what she is there for. I really wish that the program would find a fourth student, otherwise the three of us new grad students will have to split four clinic spots in the Spring next year, which means every three weeks, we will have clinic twice a week! As if one three hour block isn’t enough! Although, after all of the paperwork that we need to do with our speech clients, I cannot imagine it being all that bad. Who knows? Won’t know for sure until we actually have to do it.

I know one thing for sure that I will not miss… our neighbors loud music! Peace and quiet, can’t wait for it!

Written Saturday night…

First off, I cannot believe that I have been actively blogging for a year now. I say that because before this blog, I had started a new one about six months earlier, but never really stuck with it. I posted maybe just a handful of times. However, I was introduced into the world of blogging about six months prior to even that attempt. I had been semi actively following a few blogs for almost a year before I started by own. And then my cousin Amanda started a blog and I thought maybe it would be a good idea to try again. I have been a journaler for the past almost eight years (well pretty constantly throughout high school) and then here and there after Ayden was born, but nothing consistently until I started last year. And I’m so glad that I have because it has become a great outlet for me! I’ve always been a ‘writer’ of my feelings and it just feels natural to be able to get it all out again on a daily basis, even if I don’t have a world of followers. Sometimes it feels good to know that someone has stopped by my blog, but mostly I use this as a release (not that I don’t totally love the readers that I do have on a daily basis)!

Today was a good day! We had soccer this morning and it was Ayden’s first game of the season, since it was cancelled last year due to rain. It was exciting because I always love watching Ayden play. Hope you enjoy the pictures that I took!

DSC05285 Here is my soccer star before we left for the game and of course my silly little dude had to wear his shin guards on the OUTside of his pants. I didn’t really care because he was just excited to go to soccer!


Ayden is trying to get the ball! His team (Fire) played the team (Wizards) today and unfortunately team Fire lost 0-2 in the last five minutes of the game, but that was okay. His team really pulled it together as the game went on and I was really proud of them!


Action shot! Here is the super star going after the ball! He did great throughout the whole game and I cannot wait to see him play some more!


Waiting for the ball to be thrown in-bounds!


Being goalie! He did great and stopped three goals during his turn as goalie. It was awesome! I couldn’t stop beaming!

Yesterday I got to go and see my friend and her new baby! She is so adorable! Here is a look for yourself! The happy family, well minus the big sister, who was off with Grandma playing for a while! OMG, talk about baby fever! What a perfect family!


I got my fill of baby holding yesterday, or maybe not. I could probably have sat there all day long holding that new little one, but of course mommy and baby needed their rest, so my friends and I that went only stayed for a little while. I brought Ayden along and another friend brought her son and those two played very well with each other while we were visiting. Oh how I would love another little one! Someday! I’ll just have to have my friend over tons this summer so I can get my fill that way, lol!

We also went to sign our new lease today so it means we are OFFICIALLY moving! I am getting more and more excited about this and everything else. I found the school that Ayden will most likely be transferred too and discovered that he can be transferred to that school for his 4K program this summer as well which would be really nice because then he will already be used to the school come kindergarten. I need to call the education center on Monday. After we checked out a new park, we went to Lowes to check out some wood. We got the okay to build a sandbox in the back yard and I wanted to know how much it might cost. I didn’t want to build on it if would be hundreds of dollars. Jay thinks he should be able to build one with wood not totally $30 and then we need to get the sand. We calculated what the sand would cost coming from Lowes and it would probably be close to $70, but he thinks he might be able to get it cheaper from some place else. We’ll see! I also found a swing that I want to get for our back yard. Might be a graduation present to myself… haven’t decided yet. We also found some great trails that we can go biking on and different places we can explore after we move. I’m becoming more and more excited!!!



Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

You have a wonderful blog..I enjoyed reading it tonight.

I am still so new to blogging, but love reading others stories.
Everyone has a story and so many of them are so touching....

Hope you will stop by for a visit.
The May give-away has started and this month there will be 10 winners.
I will be blogging from Disney World soon...