Friday, January 22, 2010

Finally Friday!

First week of school... over and done with! Well, not exactly since I do have one lab yet this afternoon from 1:30-3:30pm and I am really not looking forward to it. It is our ABR (auditory brainstem response) lab and the professor for it flat out told us that the lecture and lab were not easy classes, but could sometimes be rather difficult. Not something I am looking forward to because well, I don't like having to think too hard about classes, lol... okay, so grad school isn't all easy peasy and I do hunker down and do some actual thinking here and there. You know, occasionally, hehe!

Anyways, the professor who taught the lecture part of the class is on sabbatical this spring and thus we have a different professor of which I will be enternally grateful for this semester. The lecture class was so hard that two of the second years 'failed' (got below a B) the class and are not retaking it with us. That is scary because you are only allowed to 'fail' one class your entire three years or you get kicked out of the program. And the teacher that is on sabbatical also teaches ABR II next fall, so I'm not holding my breath there... UGH with a DOUBLE! Or maybe that should be DOUBLE UGH! Lol!

I have a major gripe with Charter Communications... I just about HATE them and their money hungry company! We all know that I hate how money makes the world go round yadda yadda yadda, but some of these companies are just out to steal from you and this is one of them. Of course you have to pay money to get stuff... unfortunately we are not able to even get local channels at our house (even with those new digital box things they have now, maybe like one or two channels), so we really had no choice but to go with Charter to get our local channels since they are the only ones in the area that provide it. Ugh! We have Dish Network for our 'cable' package, but kept our locals with Charter since we were getting a halfway decent deal on the internet price, which 'expired' this past December. So, upon recieving the larger bill that I wasn't necessarily expecting this month, we decided we needed to get rid of Charter once and for all. If only we could be so lucky!

We found out that AT&T now offers internet service in the area and were under the impression we could just add our local channels to Dish. How exciting! Turns out, AT&T is promoting their service wrong and at this time the fastest internet they have in this area is only marginally faster than dial up (the reps told us we could get the highest speed, which would be the same we have now but for half the price of what Charter is charging us). Now, yes, if we were in super money crunch, we could go with that. I mean, it still works, however, Jay would not be able to play his game and the amount of time it would take me to upload pictures to Facebook would be ridiculous. I know, I've done it before when we first started off with dial-up four years ago. I rather prefer the speed of our internet and would only consider going a little slower. So, until AT&T offers the faster rate, which we hope is soon, we are stuck with Charter for internet. Hey, at least we could still get our local channels on Dish, right? WRONG! Turns out, our actual dish is in the wrong spot and trees block reception to the local channels, not to mention that we have the wrong dish. And in our lease, we are not allowed to add anything to the roof (ie: putting the dish on the roof). What does that leave us with... going back to Charter! UGH NO WAY! I told Jay that I'd rather go without the local channels and that is just what we are going to do. Unfortunately, this means no more new Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy, or Ghost Whisperer, or local news... not that we watched that all that often in the first place. Totally bites, but TV doesn't run my world so its not that big of a deal. I just can't wait to finally get rid of Charter all together. Someday hopefully! For now, if I get that desperate, I'll just have to see if the shows are posted online, which I'm sure a majority if them are.

I got a letter in the mail from my best friend the other day. The last time we saw each other was New Years when she invited me bowling and she still hadn't written me back yet. She has a bad track record when it comes to that, hehe! But anyways, not that we couldn't pick up the phone and just chat it up that way (because we could), we've always been the writing sort. We wrote each other every day in high school even though we saw each other everday and I think I still have those letters somewhere... quite possibly. Anyways, it was good to hear from her. I needed that because I was having a down day and have really been reflecting on the friendships that I have in my life at this moment. I have very few people who I would call a best friend, one of those pick up the phone anyday anytime type friends. Actually, one of the friends that I used to call that, is no longer that (at least in my book)... over 10 years of being that close and things have changed... I don't know how to describe it, but at least from my side, I don't feel like I can just pick up the phone and call her with anything like I used to. I know its partly my fault, but I just don't feel the need to fix it either. I feel like we are headed in different directions in life... anyways, who knows what the future holds.

Because the friend that I got the letter from... well we were best friends throughout high school and then our senior year we had sort of a falling out of sorts and didn't speak for almost two years and then somehow we reconnected and forgot the reason that we stopped talking in the first place. And ever since then we have been keeping in touch, not the greatest touch, but we still have that type of friendship. I guess it's hard for me to put into words. We cannot talk for months on end and then see each other and hang out like it was just yesterday that we talked last. Like this past summer when we got together for lunch. We went out to eat and then just sat and talked for a couple of hours, it was really nice! So my point, I was glad that I got a letter from her because I was severely lacking in the adult convesation/friend gossip department and needed something to cheer me up. Of course I have friends at school, but they aren't the type of call you in the middle of the night friends, you know? We are definitely close and have told each other some pretty deep stuff...

Okay, this is super long... I suppose I should go and see if there is anything that I need to print off for my next lab... UGH! ABR! Actually, I've seen some ABRs done last semester and I think I am going to like it and might actually want to study it a little more, who know?!