Thursday, January 28, 2010

No creative title…

I brought absolutely nothing school or clinic related home tonight, not after being on campus until almost 7pm tonight, nope, no siree bob! Although, I do admit that I did get to go home for some of the afternoon and had a good lunch and nap (just pretend like I didn’t) so my excuse for being on campus and not bringing anything school related home is a valid one. Okay, sounds good to me!

I was busy this morning though… I had an optional (and by optional, I mean mandatory) clinic slot to fill. The clinic supervisor asked if any of us first years would volunteer our time to go to the Head Start facility in town and help the lady there doing hearing screenings. Well, in reality, we weren’t really allowed to say no, it would have looked bad to all of the supervisors. Just so happened that I was available during the time that we were needed.

This morning from 8:30-11:15am, myself and Katie were at Head Start running OAEs on a bunch of little ones. It went really well, I do have to say, and was some really good experience, I just sort of resent the fact that the professors and supervisors assume we can drop everything to do what they need and have all the free time in the world. Like we don’t have lives or jobs outside of school and want to do all of this extra work, yeah okay… Running the OAEs just involved putting a tip in the kids ears and waiting for the machine to read ‘pass’ or ‘refer’. We just needed a quiet room and for the kids to sit still. The kids did great (they were in the 3-5 year range), but it took a bit to find a room that was quiet enough. Once we found that it went pretty smoothly. Although, we did get started a little late… we could have been done by 10:15 had we started right at 8:30 versus at 9:30 when we actually started pulling kids from their classrooms. Katie and I are going back next Tuesday afternoon to help again and it should go a little faster since we sort of have a routine down now.

After clinic, I went to work for a little while and then came home for a late lunch and nap (when maybe I should have done something more productive, but I was just so tired). Then it was time to head on back to campus for a late night lab that lasted the whole two hours and was more of a two hour lecture versus a two hour lab and now we have lots of extra work to do. Ugh! And thus the reason for not bringing anything school related home tonight. I wouldn’t have done anything productive tonight anyways.

I got home and plopped down on the couch and pulled Ayden over by me for some cuddle time. I needed some cuddle time with my little guy… I had to leave early this morning and didn’t get home until late. So we cuddled on the couch for a little bit and watched some of Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. He ‘read’ me some of my People magazine that came in the mail today, telling me what was going on in the pictures.

Another early morning tomorrow. Need to write up some pre-reports for clinic on Tuesday and then start rewriting the notes that I took turning lab today because they ended up pretty messy and I took a lot of notes. After that, I have my hearing aids lab which I’m sure will take the whole two hours and then work and then more school stuff I am sure. I want to go to Maurice’s tomorrow and look at some new dress pants. I got rid of a few old pair, from like six years ago, the other day when I ‘de-cluttered’ my closet and need some new ones. But it all depends on when I get home from school because I doubt Ayden will want to come with me and I’ve been busy these last few nights with school stuff that I haven’t gotten the kind of time I want to in with Ayden and because Jay and Ayden are leaving for the weekend on Saturday, I want some mommy and me time in.

Speaking of Jay and Ayden leaving this weekend… Jay has been a great fiance and daddy this week. Not that he isn’t always great, but after hearing what my classmates husband does, which is about nothing it seems, I’ve really grown to appreciate Jay. Now obviously, I don’t live with my classmate and see what goes on in her household, but from what she talks about and does everyday, I can only imagine what she also does at home. Her husband is a lawyer and from what I gather is pretty busy and brings in the only household income. So, from that stand point, of course I think he is pulling his weight, but it just doesn’t seem like he does anything else to help out. I’m not saying in any way that he doesn’t love his wife or kids or doesn’t care for them at home, but my classmate is constantly on the go making sure all four of her kids are to and from school and after school activities and all this. But, my guess is that her husband is probably busy at work all day and cannot do these things. In any case, I’m not judging the way she lives whatsoever because if it works for them, all the more power to them, but I am appreciating the fact that Jay can be home more at this point and does help around the house because there might come a day when he is too busy at work and I take care of more of the ‘domestic’ stuff.

I love that if I need an hour of ‘me’ time, Jay will take Ayden to the basement to play or I can lay in bed for a little while and not have to worry about Ayden bothering me. I love that I can do the same for him. I mostly just love having the support of someone and have grown to appreciate it so much in the past five years because I definitely give props to those single parents out there, it is definitely not easy!

I SO want to head to the theater next Friday to watch Dear John! We have a free movie pass on our fridge that I just might have to use and go see this movie. It looks really good! I’m pretty sure that I’ve read the book already, but it has been a long time so I don’t really know the plot or the ending anymore. And that’s if I even read the book in the first place. Besides, Channing Tatum isn’t half  bad to look at and I really like Amanda Seyfriend as an actress, I’ve really liked her since seeing her in Mama Mia! I’m hoping its a good movie, because the previews sure look good!DJ_IT_1Sht_18And next weekend is flight time too! Can’t wait, just need to make it through one more week of school. Ugh! Feels like I barely made it through this week. Hope this semester goes fast, pretty pretty please! Would like for summer to get hear as soon as possible, but wait, I have summer classes then too and well that isn’t any fun. No more summer off I suppose, at least I enjoyed them while I had them.

Now its time to go and relax!