Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Like I Never Left

I ventured back to campus today, well the building where all of my classes and clinic are held, I work on campus and thus have been there throughout the entire break, but not to the actual building where my classes are. And… it was like I never left!

We (the first years) got to pick out our desks today and it was SO much fun, hehe! Who knew that picking out my very own desk could be so exciting. I have this whole huge desk TO MYSELF! I don’t know what I am going to do with all of the extra space that I have because let me tell you, I do have extra space. Extra space that I am going to relish for this whole semester and the summer because come next fall… it is back to sharing a desk again! There are 30 speech students that will be joining us in our now quiet grad room and well, we don’t have nearly that many desks… I think there are maybe 20 desks in that room and that is a high guess for 30 speech students and 10+ (don’t know how many first years there will be next year) audiology students… I shudder, lol!

Our clinic meeting today went really well and like being back in the building, once again it was like we never left for winter break. Just back to the norm!

Clinic starts already this week and both myself and Katie have it on Thursday. I have it for the first time this semester, but we are only doing screenings on Thursday and Tuesday so that will definitely get me back into the groove of things. Screenings involve looking in the client/patient (we interchange these terms all the time) ears and then having them listen to the tones and press the button when they hear them. These take about 20 minutes and for the a three hour block, I could theoretically do 9… but I don’t know that they have the entire block scheduled out. And because they are only screenings it means that I don’t have to do pre-reports for this week or next week as well as any reports or summaries at the end either! Double yeah for the first two weeks of clinic!

I don’t know that I’m ready to start class tomorrow, but I don’t have a choice and I know that after a few weeks it will become routine and will go fast enough!