Saturday, January 2, 2010

Couch Potato!

I have been such a couch potato today, there is no doubt about it! I know that I should get up and move around, but well I’m just lazy today. Very lazy, and with no Jay or Ayden home today, why should I get off the couch? Right, exactly, I mean physical exercise just might be harmful to me, haha!

It definitely doesn’t help that I did go to sleep until about 4am this morning. And that was through no fault of my own… Jay and I watched Paranormal Activity last night and dang, that’s a scary movie. At least it was scary for me and well, I will most likely NEVER watch it again. Ugh! And I have to sleep alone tonight, ugh again! Lol! I know I am only making myself more paranoid about stupid stuff, but I can’t help it. And because of that dumb movie last night, I could get to sleep and then Jay kept moving in bed and I couldn’t turn the TV off and so I ended up on the couch at about 2:30am watching the Cosby Show on Nickelodeon and then falling asleep, only to have Jay wake me up around 9am. Definitely don’t feel like I got a lot of good sleep, know I didn’t get a lot of good sleep. And I know I’m crazy, but I will be going to bed tonight with the TV on as well. Don’t judge, haha!

I did get up and out for a little while today, for the purpose of spending money. But alas, I came home with just a sub from Subway… not able to find what I wanted which was kind of a bummer, but oh well. At I have left over sub for lunch tomorrow because I didn’t eat it all and we have exactly no food in this house, and we all know how much I love to cook, right?! That’s what I thought. I didn’t eat lunch until almost 4pm today, doesn’t help that I didn’t have breakfast until after 10am either so yeah… wasn’t that hungry until then.

I’m thinking tomorrow I need to get up and off the couch for a little while, maybe take the ornaments off the tree before Jay and Ayden get home?! We’ll see, hehe!