Ayden and I enjoyed spending the day together on Saturday... since Jay had a wrestling tournament to ref (which went well). We got up and lounged around the house for a little while before heading out for the majority of the day. We had lots of fun things that we were going to do!
First on our list was to stop at Barnes and Noble and spend a gift card Ayden received for Christmas. I let him pick out two books and then added three more for him to the pile, hehe! I love books for him just about as much as I love them for me! I could have sat in that store and browsed for HOURS AND HOURS! I love books! And even though I have the kindle now, you still can't beat the feel of a good book in your hands. That is, unless its a textbook, of which one of the three I ordered came in the mail this weekend. Who really wants to read about auditory brainstem responses?! Okay, so there just might be something interesting in there that I will learn this semester.
Anyways, so Ayden came out with five books, three of which were short chapter books that I picked up... they are from the Magic Tree House books. I just might need to get some more of these?!?!And I got the APA manual that I was looking for. Wouldn't you know that they kept the manual behind the registers on shelves? I thought that that was really weird, but oh well... now I will know how to cite everything with pure perfection, right? As if! But I know that it will come in handy because we NEED to cite just about everything now.
After Barnes and Noble... it was off to Hu Hot for lunch! The wait to get seated was not very long, maybe 10 minutes, but the wait in line to get our food onto the grill was SUPER long! Ayden was a gem though and behaved very well, but I think it was mostly because he wanted to have their s'more dessert and knew he needed to behave in order for mommy to consider getting it. I didn't have to go back up though because Ayden only ate about half of his plate and then I ate the rest since it had everything that I liked and that filled me up. We were running a little late on the time schedule that I wanted to be on and thus didn't really want to get the dessert, but Ayden really did and so we did. They bring this little pot/cup thingy to your table that has this fire going in it. They use some sort of blue compound that burns. Anyways, we roasted some marshmallows, ate some chocolate and were stuffed by the time we left. It was a great meal! Even if Jay was mad that we went without him. That just means he wants it more and the next time we go through Appleton he'll want it and I'll get to go again, hehe! Sneaky sneaky!
After that we headed off to go bowling! We had time for two games and Ayden had a great time! Well, we both did actually! Unfortunately, there were quite a few younger kids present at the bowling alley so all of the lighter balls were being used… I picked one that I could bowl with and Ayden just used that one as well. He was able to lift it up and use it for about a game and a half and then I ended up lifting it up for him because it got kind of heavy for him. It was also really nice because they had this nifty contraptions that kids could use to help them bowl and Ayden used one to help him and of course we had the bumpers up too!
Ayden did always want to use the helper, but he was not strong enough to push the ball all the way down the lane and I didn’t want it to stop in the middle of the lane and then have to call for help. The few times that I let him try to ‘bowl’ for real, the ball barely made it to the pins and almost didn’t knock any down. So when he did want to ‘bowl’ without the helper, we pushed it down together.
After bowling we went to my cousin’s birthday party and hung out there until almost 9:30pm and then had to drive back home. Everyone was surprised that we were driving back to Point that late, but really it wasn’t that big of a deal. I wasn’t tired, the roads were pristine for winter, and the traffic was minimal at that time of night. I only ‘ran into’ two cops on the way home, both at the same spot, and I wasn’t overtly speeding at the point which was good since it was dark out, haha! I don’t overly speed though anyways. And I figured, it would feel better to sleep in my own bed and have the day at home than sleep at my mom’s or somewhere else and then waste half the day and then get home. You know? Maybe you don’t, but it worked out good.
At my cousin’s birthday party, not only did I get ice cream cake, I also got to hold my other cousin’s new baby! I don’t think it helped with my baby fever any… hehe! She’s super adorable!
It was a really great day!
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