Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hot Stove

Jack, I have therapy again tomorrow, wish me luck! I am still a little nervous, but not as much. Actually, I wasn't horribly nervous sick to my stomach on Monday either, just wanted to make a good impression. Did I, don't really know? I have yet to go and get my review sheet from my 'mail box' and see how I was graded. Despite the fact that my supervisor said that we did really good, I'm still apprehensive about seeing my first 'grade' for clinic. Worry wort! Pretty much always have been and always will be.

I was looking over what my schedule could potentionally be in the Spring and it is looking like it could be pretty good. I am only taking three classes and then clinic and another one credit class. That would leave me with 12 credits, the minimum for a full time student. The three classes would be: Hearing Science, Social Gerantology, and some psych one, possibly Children Disorders (or something along that line, don't know the exact name). And then I will have clinic two hours a week. The one credit class is going to be a two time CPR class that I took two years ago and it was super easy. It's a eight hour thing split into two four hour days. After the classes you are certified in CPR for one year and First Aid for three years. I guess technically I am still certified for First Aid, but the class was easy enough and gives me 12 credits and is just twice during the semester. Less for me to worry about.

WOAH!!! New flash... just recieved an email from my supervisor about clinic and apparently things are about to change. Well, possibly will change, but not final yet. It appears that two of the clients might be joining a language group at their preschool instead which would leave just one client left. And this client might be joining another language group. If that is the case, I might lose my partner because her schedule works better than mine and get a whole new client and be BY MYSELF! By myself?!?!?! Kind of freaking out here! Or maybe they would pair me with someone who is by themselves right now. Not so sure how this is going to work out here and now I'm getting worried. I was just getting comfortable with the way that things were going to go. Sure, we had some energetic kids the first time, but we were going to get things rolling during the following sessions. Now the parents don't want to move the clients because of us as clinicians, just that it will be easier on the kids to stay at school and get therapy versus leaving and then having to go back to school. Completely understandable, and being a parent myself, would probably prefer that. I guess I just need to take a few deep breaths and calm down. I will not be handed something that I cannot handle. I've been handed bigger challenges than this before and have overcome. I guess this was not the plan for me/my partner/the clients/their parents. If Plan A doesn't work, move to Plan B.

Tonight: So the rest of the afternoon was pretty good. Jay's last class was cancelled so he was home with us for most of the afternoon. I have to say that I got nothing accomplished. Oh wait, I did finish reading the article for my summary review that is due on Friday. We have to answer three questions which I thought would be pretty easy. As it turns out, I actually have to use brain power to do it. The plan is to try and get some of the answers typed up when I am done on here. We will see how that goes. I will probably get like one done and then call it a night.

We took the training wheels off Ayden's bike today, per his request. He decided that he was ready to be a big boy, but once realized what having the training wheels off actually meant, he wanted them back on. Jay pushed him around for a little bit and then Ayden had just about enough of that. For right now I've decided that we aren't going to put them back on right away, but niether am I going to push him to try and learn to ride a two wheeler. We might practice a little bit on the days that the weather is nice. In hindsight, he probably won't learn until Spring, but that's okay. I'd be fine with it if he had training wheels until he was 20.

Ayden and I also picked up his room tonight. It wasn't a good sort through like I would normally do, I mostly just wanted to be able to get to his bed without having to step on or over or around something. Yes, it was that bad. And I know I could have just pushed the toys to the side and made a path to the bed and dresser, but it was easier to throw everything into an empty bin. Empty because Ayden dumped everything out of them onto the floor. He did really good with that. We still have toys out in the living room, but he needed SOMETHING to play with.

We also had a minor emergency tonight. Nothing that required the ER, but enough to scare a mommy and daddy. Here's the scenario. I'm in the kitchen getting the ice cream out of the freezer (it was one of those little cardboard box ice creams) and set it on the stove to put the rest of the stuff back in the freezer that I had to take out to get the ice cream. Little did I know that the burner I had set the ice cream on was still hot as Jay had just gotten finished using it. I had no idea he had had it on because Ayden and I had ate supper about an hour earlier and I had turned everything off and left the pan with the potatoes on said burner. Jay then ate and had cleaned up the kitchen, but apparently he turned the stove back on to warm up the potatoes. So sweet child of mine goes to grab the ice cream off the stove and touches said burner. Ice cream goes flying to the floor and Ayden lets out this shriek. I had no idea what happened because like I said, I did not know the burner was on. Thankfully Jay was also still in the kitchen and it quickly registered that Ayden had burnt himself and he grabbed him and immediately put his hand under cold water. I grabbed an ice pack and those two went to go sit in the living room to try and calm down. By this time Ayden was no longer crying and it was determined that the burn was just on the tip of his pinky finger. Not even enough to blister it (thank God), but definitely scary enough. Ayden proceeded to eat his ice cream (with sprinkles I might add) and all was well. All accidents cannot be avoided... I'm just so thankful that it wasn't worse.

Going to attempt to get some homework done now... CIAO! LOVE ME!