Thursday, February 26, 2009

All Over The Place

My head has been all over the place this week. And this week has definitely been filled with its ups and downs. I was determined to have a great week despite whatever was put in front of me. I knew that I could get through it and everything would still be great. The power of positive thought, right my friends? Plus, as I've been reading so often, with God all things are possible. I tried and I tried, and even after a mixed Tuesday night, I was still determined to make the week great. Then came Wednesday night along with it... lots of downers for me. I was pretty bummed last night, but today was a new day and once again a new outlook. I've revamped my attitude (it needed a little adjusting) and set off to finish my great week in great week style. Sound like a plan? Does to me... only that we are supposed to be getting 10 inches of snow tonight! I love Wisconsin (insert sarcasm here)!

I have so much rolling through my mind right now that I actually made a list of topics to blog about. Has anyone ever done that? Probably not because I am a little OCD like that, or maybe just plain crazy. You'll take me either way, right? Thanks, thought so... anyways, this is not a new thing for me because back in high school I used to make lists of what I wanted to journal about as well. That way I was able to write and write (it's totally therapy for me) and get everything out of my head and onto paper, in this case into the computer and broadcasted on my blog, and then feel like a weight has been lifted. Plus, the longer that I ramble on the better I feel, even if I am just typing about the nonsense that I call my life.

Let's start with the crummy weather that is supposed to be coming. Oh wait, as I write that and look out the window, it looks like it has arrived. It wasn't snowing five minutes ago when I sat down and logged onto the computer, but it is coming down pretty steadily now. Just great! Like I said before... we could get up to 10 inches of snow tonight! I know, it's winter... it's Wisconsin, did you really think we were done with the snow? No, I didn't, but I can wish, right? Actually, as long as the roads are drivable I don't mind it so much. I'm not the one who has to plow it and so forth. Jay is anticipating a long night (it is 2:42pm as I write this)... I know that he enjoys it though! I really hope that the roads are okay tomorrow afternoon when I am planning on travelling though. My friend was hoping her boyfriend would come visit her tonight. She lives in Green Bay and he lives in Neenah. I told her she was crazy for thinking that, hasn't she been watching the weather. She should be telling him to stay home and not worry about it. And he would be crazy to go out and try to visit her. In any case, it's their lives... I know that is how I would be. But my friend can be a little selfish like that at times. And it is not just the snow, it's the wind as well. It is really blowing out there!

Okay, enough about that depressing weather (well depressing to me, maybe not you) and on to the test that I totally blew out of the park today! That's right my friends, I totally aced it. Well, I think I totally aced it. It was my social gerontology test and I really didn't study for it last night and only moderately studied for it today with a group of friends. I was a little nervous how it would go, but the questions were super easy, especially for a blue book exam. And if you don't know what I mean by blue book, then be happy because you don't! It's completely ESSAY! In some respects I like writing tests better because you can talk your way around things and in other respects I don't because then if you completely don't know what they are asking you are screwed!

(8:13pm now) Looks like we got about 4-5 inches of snow thus far. For the time being it has stopped snowing, but the radar is showing that another band (if that is what you want to call it) is on it’s way. I wonder if we will get anything from that or not because if not, then the weather people were pretty off on the totals that we were supposed to get. Not that I mind less snow, no way what so ever…

I’m putting off studying, yet again! I did get some studying in, but I am having just the hardest time concentrating on this material. Half of me feels that I know a lot of the stuff (definitely not all of it) and the other half of me is thinking, girl are you nuts, you need to get your nose straight back into that text book. So, I took a break from my studying and decided that I am going to finish up this post (however long it may end up being) and then study a bit more before ER is on and then during commercials and then again some more in the morning. Sounds like a good plan to me. It always hard to gauge how much you need to study for the first test from a professor because you don’t know his/her testing procedure until after the first one.

I talked to my mom and she said that she would kindly help me with my taxes if I came and visited her next weekend. After all, we haven’t seen her in a couple of weeks and she is going to be home as so are we. Because my earnings are work study and they don’t take out federal taxes for that, I am not sure if I am going to get any sort of refund and didn’t think it would be right to pay to get my taxes done if I am not even getting a refund when my mom could help me out. She is really good with all of that stuff. Not that she likes doing it, but then after that I can get my financial aid stuff completed as well. Oh, I am just looking forward to that so much! Lol!

Today while I was at work my co-workers were having the funniest conversation about Facebook. Apparently they are all pretty newly acquainted with it and think it is the coolest thing ever. Now I’m not so sure it is… as I’m pretty addicted to blogging, but it definitely ranks up there. Anyways, it was too funny listening to them talk about it and how they were accepting friends and all that good jazz. I’m sure it is pretty exciting when you first get it, but I’ve been an addicted member of Facebook for almost two years now. Totally still logging on a million and one times a day!

Jay and I have had some pretty rough nights this week. Well okay, it was just Tuesday night and Wednesday. We have definite communication problems that we are trying to work through/have been trying to work through for some time. It is so back and forth with us. We’ve only ever come close to breaking up once about two and half years ago, but ever since then we’ve had major issues that seem to simmer under the surface just waiting to boil over. We definitely have our good times/days/weeks, but then things sort of cumulate and we argue. No couple is perfect and it would be foolish to say that I want us to be. We continue to grow together and will work things out because we want to be together. Sometimes I think there will be a point where we can get past it all and other times I wonder if that point will ever arrive. But enough deep stuff for now… I’m trying to make the end of this week a good one, right? Not going to dwell on two semi upsetting nights when tonight has been great! We ended up having some pretty good talks after our ‘arguments’ and went to bed happy. You know the saying, never go to bed angry!

Today after I got home with Ayden from school, we all went outside to play. It was snowing like crazy and pretty windy, but all bundled up we didn’t get very cold. Plus I promised Ayden that we could go out so we did. Jay even came out with us. I was totally not expecting that, but was glad that he did. We had snow fights and shoveled a little bit (even though the snow was coming down so fast that it really didn’t matter what we shoveled) and tubed down the hill.

Still with me?! Hope so… Have a STELLAR night/day/afternoon (whenever you happen to be reading) this my friends!!!