Monday, June 2, 2008

Another book down...

It's about to storm outside and I probably shouldn't be on my computer, but what the heck, right? Not like it's lightening out or anything, at least that I can tell. I can hear some thunder, but no rain yet so that is good. They (being the weather people) say that the weather tonight and tomorrow is supposed to be kind of icky. Too bad Ayden and I didn't get outside more today. But he really didn't want to. I asked him after his nap if he wanted to go to the beach and he said that he didn't. We did go outside and draw some roads with the sidewalk chalk and drove some cars and trucks on the roads. We had fun with that and afterwards we came inside to play some games. We fished for some letters and cruised through two games of candy land. I won both times and Ayden didn't much care for that, but he's got to learn. It was funny though because every time that I would get ahead of him he would say 'I get mad when you are winning' and he said it with such a serious face. I couldn't help but laugh, but he needs to learn that he can't win at everything. Currently he is on the couch wrapped in his blanket wimpering that he doesn't like storms and laughing inbetween every attempt at pretending to be scared. I don't think he really gets scared, but I've told him more than once at night that if he ever needs mom or dad that he should come into our bedroom and wake us up and not to worry. I remember when I was young always being nervous about waking my mom or dad up about something (ie: not feeling good or whatever) and I don't want Ayden to be scared.

While Ayden was taking a good nap today I managed to finish yet another book. The ending was super stupid, but the overall book was okay. Nothing super great, but I don't regret taking the time out to read it. I don't know what I will read next or if I will start another one right away. I am in the process of making a little video montage of Ayden. Something I am putting together for his birthday party invitations. Speaking of birthdays, Ayden was invited to his first birthday party today and it is this weekend. It is the party of his best friend at daycare. Seth, or Setherdoodle as everyone there calls him. Those two are attached at the hip when they are at daycare. It is too cute and of course we have to go. I am going to take Ayden shopping tomorrow for a gift for him.

Work was good today. I got started on a new project of which I think my boss is thinking will take awhile and I'm thinking I could probably have it done in like three weeks or possibly less. The project itself is going to be pretty interesting because I get to look through everyone's business plans and I like to read about what they are aspiring to do.

So my friend and her ex had a good talk yesterday and apparently he told her that when he is ready for a girlfriend he will let her know. In my opinion, she has become a girlfriend of convience and thus of course is going to wait around for him, no matter how long it is going to take. And in the mean time I have to be the supportive girlfriend when she tells me about all the good talks and visits and then starts analyzing everything and starts thinking everything is fall apart a day later. Like I said before, the guy has done nothing bad, but I don't think they should get back together.

New episodes of Little People, Big World and John and Kate Plus 8 tonight. Yeah! I should really check to see if there is any news on when Prison Break will be starting up again. I can't believe that I haven't thought of Wentworth Miller in over a week. Lol... his sweet face has not crossed my mind at all. And such a sweet face it is.