Saturday, June 7, 2008

Fighting that leads NOWHERE!

You know, I really thought that Jay and I would be able to make it through the week without fighting. And by that I mean because Lee was supposed to call four days in a row. We were so on a roll too. After the phone calls Tuesday and Wednesday things were fine and even Thursday it wasn't too bad. We talked about things and all was well, but of course I was wrong. And last night not only did we fight, we fought twice... Not really how I was looking to end the week, but I guess it has to happen sometimes, right? We talked through everything and it was all fine by the time that we went to bed, but I get to sick of it because we have the same arguement over and over and it gets us nowhere. He HATES Lee and probably always will and Lee is one of my closest friends. How is that supposed to work, the love of my life hates my best friend? Okay, so theres a whole story behind the whole thing of which I'm not so comfortable going into yet. Mostly I hate to rehash the past. It is what it is and there is nothing that any of us can do to change it. What happened, happened and Jay and I have been trying to move forward together for two years now. In any case, fights suck and I hate them!

It's Saturday and Jay had to work today which kind of sucked, but the weather looks to be getting pretty bad and hopefully he won't have to work for very long. You can't very well cut grass when it is pouring out. Oh, I'm sure you could try, but it would be pretty fruitless. Ayden and I did some puzzels this morning and he was doing very good on them. Instead of just trying any old piece I was trying to teach him how to look for colors that match. He was starting to get the hang of it.

Last night Ayden had an accident in his bed right before he fell asleep. I don't know what he was doing, but all of a sudden he came out of his room saying that he had peed in his bed. He must have been pretty involved in playing with something or what not because he is usually very good about stopping what is doing to run to the bathroom. Sometimes he will wait for the very last minute and then really has to run to the bathroom, but normally not so much. It was okay though. He knew he had had an accident, but wasn't upset about it. And niether Jay nor I said anything. We were both like that's fine and just changed his sheets and Ayden put some new underwear on and back to bed he went. He's just a kid... no need to over react about him having an accident. It happens. The one thing I was surprised about was that Ayden really didn't get upset that he didn't get to sleep with his 'bibi' (blanket) because it got wet. I thought that he would throw a fit, but he understood that it was wet and he needed to use a different one. Normally that kid goes crazy when I even say that I have to wash it. He's growing up! Ah! I want my little baby back!

At least he still is my cuddle bug. He went through a phase maybe a year or so ago where he didn't like to sit next to me or me to even hold him for a bit, but now he loves to sit on my lap and watch shows or even to sit next to me and he will purposefully put my arms around him. I love it! Still kind of my little one. I will take those cuddles as long as I can get them because I know there will come a day when he tells me to stop hugging and kissing him in front of people and I think when that days comes I just might cry, lol.

We need to do some serious grocery shopping today or tomorrow. There is nothing to make in this house. Okay so maybe nothing that I want to. I wanted to make french toast or grilled cheese yesterday, but we don't have any bread so that didn't work. I made mac and cheese, but had to use tub butter because we didn't have any stick butter and it really didn't taste all that apealing to me. Ayden loved it, but he always does. Ayden and I might just end up sharing some ramen noodles for lunch. He likes them, I like them, and they are fast! We do have some meatloaf thing that I could make for supper, but still no bread to eat with it. And we have some potatoes that Jay could grill out, but if the weather is going to be bad then that is out of the question. Oh the choices, right?

I still have no idea what to get my dad for Father's Day. I asked Wendy if she knew of anything that he wanted and she didn't really have any ideas either. She said that she would keep her eyes and ears open in case he mentions anything. I also don't know what to get Jay, not that he got my really anything for Mother's Day though. He said that he could use some new sweatshirts. But then again, even though it would be nice to be able to get him something, we don't really have the extra money to be going out and buying extras like that. I don't know yet. I know that I am going to have Ayden make a little something at home of which Jay will probably like more than anything anyways.