Tuesday, June 3, 2008

No computer... in your dreams!

Hey again... so life is good again, I guess. Don't feel like crying anymore which is a good thing, right? I'm saying so. My talk with Lee tonight did a mood good. We talked for almost an hour about just normal shit and it was good. He said that he would call again tomorrow. We talked a bit about the whole Jay/game situation and he sort of game me some insight.

Speaking of that, Jay got home and apologized for last night. Think that was the first time that he has done that and I was surprised. We sort of talked about it then and pretty much got over it. Like usual, I guess. However... he did not turn his computer on. Reasons running through my head as to why he did not do this... 1. He knew I was mad about last night so was trying to make up for it tonight. 2. He was too tired from staying up so late that he was going to forgo computer time tonight for sleep. 3. He saw that Lee was going to call and didn't want to go on so he could hear what we were talking about. None of these fell into the category of I WANT to spend time with Ashley or Ayden. So when the phone call came, I went into the bedroom (as Jay was watching TV and I didn't want to be interupting his TV watching) and I heard him start his computer. Fine with me, might as well do something you like rather than worrying about what I'm talking about. Luckily after the phone call he came into the room, we talked, and we didn't fight! Yeah! We talked about the phone call and we talked about his game and got more out into the open. He apologized once again and felt bad for what he was doing and said he would try and make a conscious effort to try not to play so much. Part of me thinks this is a step in the right direction. Only time will tell, right? I want to believe that things will change and that he will WANT to spend more time with me and not just feel obligated about it. We talked about that as well and he assured me that he always wants to spend time with me and etc... I don't have a problem believing that as I know that he loves me. But everyone has a few insecurities, right?

Currently, he is playing his game, but it's only 9:37pm and I'm okay with it. It's when he comes to bed after midnight that I don't like. He told me that he has a quest that he wants to get completed tonight as he has been trying to get it done for about a month now and finally he has people to help him. He didn't really say how long it would take it get done. I know they can take a while, whatever it is that you actually have to do for them I don't know, I just hope it isn't until 3am. I'll try and not be mad about it if it does take that long again as this is something that he has wanted to do for a while now. He said that if the weather is bad tomorrow again they will not be working. Part of me wants the weather to be bad so he can stay home, firstly because its nice when he can stay home, and secondly, JT (his best friend) is back in Point for a day or so and will probably come over if Jay doesn't have to work and they haven't seen each other in a while. They talk all the time of course, but it's a little different being able to see someone.

I'm looking forward to a bit of a better day tomorrow. With any luck it will be!