Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Cold?!

Written Wednesday: Jackers... I think I may have woken up from my little nap this afternoon with a cold. Could things not be any worse? I'm hoping it might just be a runny nose caused by the bloody nose I had earlier this afternoon, we'll have to see how I am in the morning. This afternoon Ayden and I went to the Children's Museum, the 'big blue park' and then to the library. We had quite a good time at all of the places. At the park I was lifting him off of something and he bonked his head right onto my nose. Right as it happened I knew I was going to get a bloody nose. Thankfully I had a kleenex in my pocket that I had grabbed from the Children's Museum. It worked, however the blood would not stop coming and thus entailed Ayden and I making a dash for the bathroom so I could stop the blood. He didn't want to go, kept telling me that he didn't have to go potty. Well after I showed him why I needed to go to the bathroom he got all worried about me and when I was done kept asking if my nose was okay. How caring!

Continued today: So I work up yesterday afternoon thinking I might have a cold. I forwent the NightQuil last night because even though I sleep really good with it, I feel pretty dizzy and tired throughout the rest of the next day and I didn't want that today. I thought I would see how it went last night and then if need be dope up tonight. I did sleep pretty well last night, but have a bit of a sore throat and a runny nose this morning. UGH! I hope that it doesn't get too much worse and that Ayden doesn't get it. He has a bit of a runny nose, but nothing cold like yet. Keep your fingers crossed.

Jay and I had another bit of an argument the other day, once again due to that stupid game of his. I was so close to giving him an ultimatum... me or the game. I know he would choose me, but the thing is, I shouldn't have to give any sort of ultimatum, he should just act the way a boyfriend should. Consequent of the arguement, he didn't even turn his computer on last night, but I wasn't going to give in to his apologeticness of no game playing. I wasn't mean to him or anything, but I wasn't exactly all friendly and nice either. It's only going to last for two or three days anyway and he will be back to playing the damn game until 2am again. Is it really that much to ask that he comes to bed with me for like a week... everyday... but then again I shouldn't really have to ask then, should I? He should just want to. And the other thing that really bugs me is when he says that he does 'want' to spend time with me because if he wanted to, then he would. But apparently that want isn't very high in his list because it doesn't happen. I've about given up here... try as I might to not let it bother me, I know that game is slowly ruining Jay and my relationship. Sad as it is. And if it is possible, I hate that game MORE than Jay hates Lee. What I should say is that his game has taken the place of Sarah, only it's actually worse than her because she never took up this much of his time! But enough about that for now.

OMG! My best friend actually was concerned about ME yesterday! Not that she didn't talk about her problems and ex and all that good stuff, but for the first time in I can't remember, she actually changed the conversation and pointed it in my direction. Asked how things were going with me and my issues at the time. I was SO surprised, but it was good to be able to vent for a little while and actually have it seem like she cared and wasn't just waiting for me to take a breath and insert something about how horrible her life is going. It was nice and she actually offered some legitimate advice. Yeah for people taking a step in the right direction!

It's raining icky today and semi storming and Jay has to work in it! Currently he is out working in the rain and has called me twice in 20 minutes to complain about it. I agree, they shouldn't have to work out in the rain, especially since whatever they are doing isn't going to be worth it if the rain is just going to wash it away. I think today they were going to try and plant some new grass. Yeah, like working with mud is everyone's take on extreme fun! Okay... hopefully he doesn't get sick as well! That's all we would need.

I still haven't started a new book. No current ambition, however I was able to get a new code for my GRE study guide and logged into that and it worked! Didn't do much else besides that, but it's a start. They said there was a way that I could get it on my Palm Pilot, but I can't find the site that will let me download what they said I could. I hope I can find it because it would be nice to be able to have some questions on my Palm. There are some sheets that I can print off for a study guide thing, but still.

Night time now and I think Jay is a bit irked with me. Suits him right! Apparently I said something that he didn't like. Well, I didn't like how he got Ayden all worked up and crying again after I just got Ayden calmed down. Ayden was upset about supper and I had sent him in to ask Jay when it would be done and then Jay starts in right away asking Ayden if he was done being crabby and Ayden gets upset again and so I told Jay he didn't have to do that and now he's being crabby. Well, next time think about what you are saying before you say it. There's a better way to be a parent. But there's me again expecting too much probably. I don't know!

Ayden and I will probably go to the Children's Museum again tomorrow. Take up some time. Ayden said he also wants to go for a bike ride so if the weather is nice we will probably do that as well. It finally stopped raining, but like the last couple of days, who knows how long that will last!

Feeling kind of fat lately... :( Know I'm not fat, but just not liking how the body is looking in the mirror. Probably has something to do with all of the junk food that I've been shoving in my yap the past couple of days. It's here and well I just can't seem to stop. So much for the self control, I really have none! And no motivation to work off any of the calories that I am shoving into my body. Gotta love it, right?