Sunday, June 1, 2008

Not in the mood...

Jack- Is it a bad thing when you tell your three year old that you are not in the mood to read him a bed time story? I'm thinking so and that is precisely what I told Ayden tonight. I am pretty crabby and really just want to be alone. I used the excuse that I read to him earlier today, which I did and I read two pretty long books, but I know I probably should have read to him tonight too. He went to bed a litlte late as well and just finished off his ice cream from yesterday so he probably won't fall asleep for a while. I'm crabby because I went on a semi cleaning spree tonight and pretty much did it all by myself. Jay packed the dishwasher, but that's about it. I washed down the counter, piled the toys (Ayden was in charge of moving the pile into his room), cleaned the table off and put the rest of the miscellaneous stuff away while he got mad at me for telling him to take the recycling out. As I so nicely stated to him, if I don't tell him to do it, it won't get done. And where does he precisely place his butt after I tell him to get Ayden out of the tub, right down in front of his fucking computer! And then he wonders why I get mad.

What really irked me was the fact that yesterday Ayden was eating some doritos and ripped the bag down the side. I asked Jay to tape the bag or something and put them away before he came to bed. So this morning they were still out and he suggested throwing them away because they were probably stale. Mind you, this bag is at least half full, if not more so and he thought that one night of sitting out would make them go stale. I responded by, why don't you try one to see if they are. He did and aparently they weren't stale because they ended up sitting on the counter for another half hour. I finally asked him if he was going to do something with them and he asked what he should do. I said, I don't know tape the bag or put them in a plastic bag. So, he puts them in a plastic bag and sets them back on the damn counter. How hard is it to but the plastic bag where the chips go, which mind you, is in the cupboard right below the counter. Seriously, does it take that much more effort. I was peeved!

So... needless to say, I just need to vent a little bit. What is a girl to do? At least the apartment is semi clean again. Ayden's room has toys in a pile and the laundry is in a pile on the floor in our room as well, but that will get solved tomorrow.

Oh, another thing that has been increasingly beginning to bother me is Jay's personal hygenie. Okay, so he's not like a shower neglector or anything. He will shower everyday after he gets home from work and what not. However the weekends really bug me. Here's the situation... he showers Friday night after work and thus doesn't shower Saturday morning. Fine with me, but then he neglects to shower Saturday night as well and then he didn't shower this morning either citing he would later today. Later today has come and he has yet to shower. You know when he is going to shower, probably at 1am when he decides to crawl into bed. And what disgusts me even more is the fact that he is going to shower and then climb into bed and get all dirty again. Seriously, you can't think that your bed is as clean as you think it is. That is unless you wash your sheets everyday and we do not. We wash them maybe once every two weeks, so that means all of your dead body cells get rubbed off onto the sheets and Jay sweats when he sleeps so after his nice clean shower he crawls into a bed of sweat. Like that does any good! Ugh, I just think it is gross! Maybe I'm a paranoid clean freak, but I need to shower everyday. If need be I can go a day without showering, say we are camping, but I don't necessarily like it. Also, my hair is super fine and thus gets greasy feeling very easliy and I HATE that feeling. The final straw is Jay's lack of teeth brushing. For some weird crazy reason I became addicted to brushing my teeth while I was pregnant and would brush them twice a day religiously (although they say you should anyways) and well it has slowly progressed to for sure at least once a day, sometimes twice for me. I admit, I cannot get myself to floss no matter how many times I tell my dentist that I will. Anyways, I'm lucky if Jay brushes his teeth once a week and that's after me telling him to. I feel bad for saying he needs to brush his teeth more, but honestly, it's no fun kissing someone with raunchy breath. I try, but I guess some habits are hard to break, eh? I've gotten over him not having straight teeth, but I won't ever get over not having clean teeth. What is he showing Ayden by not brushing them. I dunno...

Got to pay some more bills this week, unfortunately. But hopefully we won't get anymore which would be a good thing...