Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friday Night Phone Call

Jack... So technically I knew that Lee was going to call on Friday night, but did I think that he would seriously call, not really. And thus mostly why I didn't tell Jay that a possible phone call was coming. Of course I was going to tell him about it after I ended the call, but Jay came into the bedroom before the call was over. Very unusual since he 'normally' is on his game a lot later than 9pm, but in any case, he didn't look too happy about it. I didn't talk much longer on the phone after that. First off because the hour alloted on the phone was almost up and secondly I didn't want to piss Jay off anymore. Now Jay and I could have gotten into a fight about it and we almost did, but instead we had a 'discussion' about it. Once again, of course nothing was fixed or gotten over, but I guess it helps for Jay to get his feelings out and well me some the same. And we did talk a little about his game playing too, but once again... got no where. At least in my eyes.

Speaking of game playing... Jay took an 'attitude' day off from work on Friday. As my mom would call it. He called in and said he wasn't feeling good and stayed home. I was fine with it because lately his boss has been taking such big advantage of Jay and well Jay hasn't actually taken a day off in I can't remember how long. He's had days/hours off because of the weather, but that's it. So, he stayed home yesterday and actually helped me clean the apartment. But he also spent a lot of the day on the computer, as he has done today. I didn't think much of it and didn't really care because I started a new book. Yeah I know, I couldn't help myself. It was called Me and Emma and if you didn't catch the 'was' it's because I finished it already today. Short book and semi good. Nothing to brag about. A big twist at the end though which was kind of interesting.

The weather the past two days has been gorgeous so I hope it stays that way tomorrow as well. I got my rollerblades out yesterday and put Ayden in the jogging stroller that we have and did some rollerblading. It took me a bit to get the hang of it again because I hadn't had them on in over a year, but after a minute or so we were sailing pretty smoothly. The road next to our house is not super busy and it's flat and straight for quite a ways so it makes for good blading... But boy were my legs sore when I got back. Couldn't have worked them too hard though because I wasn't feeling it this morning or at all day for that matter.

It's been a another weekend of chilling at the house, which is fine with us. Saves on gas and spending money at other places. We will probably go to the park tomorrow since we didn't go at all yet this weekend. Something that surprised me this afternoon was Jay offering to play Hi-Ho Cheerio with Ayden. At first Ayden had asked me to play and I was on my computer at that moment and I told him that I would and proceeded to get off. Jay was also on his computer at that time as well and he even said he would play with Ayden and I. I about had a heart attack because I cannot remember the last time he has offered to do something like that because Ayden didn't even ask him if he wanted to play. It was a nice gesture and as a family we played three games, each of a winning on.

Jay also made me some chewy bars today. I was craving them SO BAD! I've had them before we started dating, but not very often. Well, his grandma makes the best chewy bars (along with this super great cake and frosting... you can't be in the Hoerth family, okay so technically I'm not 'in' yet, but I'm thinking 4 1/2 years of dating puts me pretty damn close, so anyways, like I was saying, you can't be in the Hoerth family and not like Grandma Hoerth cake!). So... I had to have chewy bars today and kind of made Jay make them for me and they turned out delicious! Of course I've already dug into them! I could eat the whole pan by myself and probably will eat most of it. Ayden wouldn't try it, even though I know he would like it. Jay likes them just as much as I do.

I think I got a bit of sunburn sitting outside reading this afternoon while Ayden was napping. I decided to sit outside instead of on the couch because it was sunny and warm and I didn't want to fall asleep on the couch reading. I managed to stay awake, but I'm kind of tired now. Ayden has gone back to getting up around 6am again. This morning it wasn't until 6:15am, but still early enough, especially on a weekend. I don't understand why he insists on climbing onto me and waking me up each morning (even though I wake up when I hear his bedroom door open, I think it's got something to do with having 'mom' ears now... you listen for that sort of stuff even in your sleep) but he doesn't climb on Jay even though his side of the bed is closer to the door. Oh well though...