Monday, June 23, 2008

Wonderful Weekend

Jackers... It's time for a book and by that I mean to write one. That is what happens when I take a few days off of my venting and ranting and raving. Lol... but I know that you don't care, do you? You're here to listen to whatever I have to say and offer your silent advice. Not that I ever get anything from your advice, but sometimes silence is better than anything else.

The rest of my Friday went pretty well. Jay got home earlier than normal, but I was expecting him so that was okay. Ayden and I made him a little card before he got home. It was also more practice for Ayden when it comes to writing his letters. Ayden really enjoyed making it as well. And I know that Jay enjoyed getting it. We did end up stopping at Taco Bell before we headed off to Chilton. I was all ready for Ayden to eat his tacos good because he likes them so much at home, but he wouldn't touch it. And all it was was meat and cheese and a soft shell. The same thing exact thing we make. He didn't even like the cinnamon twists they had. I have to admit that the tacos and cinnamon twists were really good and the fruitista freeze thing was even better! I definitely want to go back and get another one. Plus the tacos are really cheap too! When we got back to Chilton we headed over to Jay's aunt and uncle's house to help set up an extra tent for the wedding reception on Saturday. Of course Ayden was super shy, but oh well. Ayden ended up biking from their house back to Jay's parents. I didn't think it would be that far, but once we started walking back with Ayden it probably was a little less than a mile. Ayden did really good and only said he was getting tired once and we were almost to the house. I can't remember what time Ayden ended up going to bed that night, but I know it wasn't at 8pm, but it also wasn't super late either.

Saturday was a really busy day for us, but then again it is always a busy time for us when we go home. We went to my mom's house in the morning and pretty much spent most of the day there until it was time to go to the party. We played outside for a while and then had some super good lasgana for lunch. It was a new recipe (well how much can you vary lasgana) that my mom was trying and it was actually pretty yummy. She added some corn, beans, and peas to it and I really liked it. I wish that Ayden would have tried it, but I knew that he wasn't going to so my mom (the ever loving grandma that she is) made Ayden some french toast for lunch and he loved that. She let him help with it as well and he really liked that. After lunch we headed down to Columbia park by the lake and climbed the big tower. It wasn't the first time that Ayden has climbed the tower. I thought that he would be scared, but he loved it and charged all the way up! He didn't want to stay at the top too long because he wanted to throw rocks into the lake so down we went. When we got to the bottom I could really feel all of that stair climbing in my thighs, but I had no idea what I was in for on Sunday. I didn't think that just climbing those few stairs would make any difference, but I guess I am just getting old. Lol... okay, whatever, right?! Then we played at the park for a little while before heading back to my mom's house. Once back there we played outside some more, ate some ice pop things (not sure what you want to call them, but you know, those long skiny things that have juice in and then you freeze them and they are super yummy). Ayden had like three or four and they were the big ones too. Way to go auntie Emmy and grandma for giving into him.

We also got some bad weather at my mom's house while we were there. It started out as a little rain which turned into pea size hail. It lasted for maybe three minutes and then we all went outside to look at it. Ayden was eating it... yuck! But what can you do, it was just ice. My mom took some pictures. We actually got quite a bit, but no damage to anything. It was really weird to walk barefoot on the grass with the hail on it and have your feet feel so cold but it also be so warm out. I know, I'm crazy. So... we meandered around outside for a little bit longer before we decided to head back to Jay's parents to grab some sweatshirts and pants before going to the party.

Oh... Ayden got his first sliver at my mom's house too. He was running his hand along the porch railing and in it went. Right between his thumb and first finger. And boy did he scream. I was helping my mom take clothes off the clothline at the time and Emily was playing with him in front of the house and all I could hear was him crying 'I want my mommy!' I thought for a second that he might have gotten a bee sting because where they were playing was a bush with a lot of bees flying around, but Emily told me it was a sliver. So, inside we went where we layed Ayden down on the living room floor. Me practically on top of him trying to hold him still and talking to him while Jay and Emily went after the sliver in the hand. Between the two of them they were able to get the whole thing out. It was about a half an inch long so we needed to get it out. Otherwise I might have considered leaving it in to work its way out, but I didn't want it to get infected. Ayden made it through that ordeal and was tear free about two minutes after the sliver came out. Of course though that wasn't the end of the tears before we left. As we were walking to the truck to leave Ayden decides to take a run for it and slips arms first into the mud and gravel of my mom's driveway. He stands up and starts crying 'Oh boy oh boy'. He had mud all over his arms and legs, but we quickly got that washed up and finally made it into the truck to leave. He ended up with an arm full of scratches, but nothing that drew blood. Thank goodness too! Back at Jay's house we washed up and grabbed our warm clothes and headed off to the party.

The wedding reception was pretty good. The food was okay. Ayden ate pretty well considering. All he wanted was cake, and who's to blame him... I mean we are talking Grandma Hoerth cake here! Finally the time came for cake and everyone was happy. And by everyone, I'm sure it was just more than me and Ayden and Jay. We were even lucky enough to stop by on Sunday and get to bring some home with us. I wanted Grandma Hoerth to make Ayden's birthday cake, but unfortunately they won't be able to make it to his party this year. That kind of bites, but they said they are going to try and come up on the Monday following the party so that will be fun. Besides, they will be bringing the best gift of all. A TV for Ayden. They got a new one for their kitchen and didn't have a use for their old one so since we were looking for a replacement for our portable DVD player (which is currently in the process of taking a poop) for Ayden to watch movies in his room... Jay brought up the idea of them giving their old TV to Ayden for his birthday. I can't wait to see the look on Ayden's face when he sees what he got. I know what you're thinking... a TV in a four year olds room. Isn't that a little young. Well, I don't think we are going to hook anything up to it so he gets actually TV, just a DVD player from our room and possibly our VCR so he can watch movies in there when he wants to. Yeah, like the kid doesn't already get enough TV. At least we haven't watched Jurassic Park in about a week. I probably shouldn't have said that though because just watch him ask for it when he gets up from his nap.

Anywhoo... the cake was delicious. Ayden was super shy as always, but slowly warmed up to people as the night wore on. I really wish that we would get to see everyone more often so he wouldn't be so shy around them, but then again there are so many of them that he wouldn't remember them all anyways. Heck, even I don't remember EVERYONE all the time. Especially with all the new babies that keep being born. One more to add to the list. Jay's cousin has a new daughter and another cousin is due soon. Just need to wait for another announcement that someone else is expecting because it will happen. That's okay though, I love how big that family is and for the most part everyone is pretty close. I know that their are certain family feuds and probably more than I know about, but in the end I know that everyone loves each other (at least I think so) and that is really all that matters. Right? I want a big family, okay maybe not 12 kids, but like 4 or 5. Whatever happens, happens. It's not really in my hands. And if I'm destined to just have Ayden, well that is enough too. I'm just grateful to be a mom because honestly there is nothing better than that in the whole world. Not millions of dollars, not degree after degree, not a super great job, not any award for anything thing... expect maybe the award of 'Greatest Mom' but I think every mom should consider themselves that.

Goodness, I told you this would be a book... I just keep getting off track of what all happened during my weekend. So, once again, back to the party. Ayden even got brave enough to bust a move on the dance floor. It was so funny and cute. I wish I would have had my camera along to take some pictures, but I forgot it at Jay's house. I probably could have just drove to get it seeing it's so close, but I didn't bother. I also got to talk to an old classmate of mine. I was going to say old friend, but that might imply that we still are friends and I don't think that is how you would classify our relationship. It's sad to say that seeing she was my best friend from like before kindergarden thru 8th grade, but somehow we just grew apart. It was good to get to talk to her again. We were not very civil to each other during high school and I don't really know why, but in any case, we caught up a little bit which was good. It's good to hear from people how proud they are of what Jay and I are doing with our lives. I know I don't need anyone's approval, but sometime I just need to hear that I'm doing a good job with Ayden and school and work and keeping everything balanced. It's definitely not a living hell hole, but somedays are definitely worse than others and I wonder if I'm really cut out for this. But that little boy sleeping in his bed right now lets me know everyday just how much I mean to him. So I keep telling myself that I can do it, I know I can! Just like the little engine that could! Lol!

We ended up leaving the party around 10pm and going home. Ayden was getting tired and cranky and he actually slept until 9am the next morning. He probably would have slept longer, but I woke him up. He didn't need to be sleeping longer than that, especially since I was already awake. That way he got enough sleep and would still sleep at night when we got back to Point. We had some yummy pancakes for breakfast and then went to Sundae on the Farm with my dad, Wendy, and Alexis. Ayden was pretty crabby for most of it, but I know that he did enjoy seeing the cows, calves, kittens, chickens, goats, and even the cutest little lab puppy. We had ice cream, milk, and even went on a tractor ride. I think that that was Ayden and Alexis's favorite part. Oh, they both also got their face painted. Alexis went first and got a flower and then Ayden went and got a dinosaur. It was too cute! I would have liked to spend a little more time with them, but we headed out around 2pmish I think and went back to Jay's house where Ayden and I took a little nap while the storm rolled through. We decided to leave around 4pm, but of course didn't actually get on the road until about 4:30-4:45pm and got home around 6pm. We ran into two wicked storm clouds on our way where it was raining pretty hard that we couldn't see the road very well. Good thing Jay was driving (even though I get super nervous when he drives). One time it was even hailing, but it never lasted for very long. We got home and looked behind us and all we was were super dark storm clouds. We were glad that we left when we did because otherwise we probably would have hit rain the whole way home. It was sunny and nice here in Point though!

We got home just as a group of people were leaving from our neighbors upstairs apartment. I was kind of glad that we were gone for the weekend because just catching snipits of their conversation it sounded like they had a pretty good time. And that translates into loud time which wouldn't have made me very happy. I hope that this upcoming weekend is a quiet weekend because my mom and sister are coming up and it would just be super annoying. So us going home and her having friends over this past weekend worked out quite nice.

Jay and I are doing pretty good again. We had a relatively good weekend with no real arguments or fights. Believe it or not he hasn't been on his game since Wednesday night. That is four nights WITHOUT his game! OMG! I definitely thought he would go on last night, but instead we watched a movie together in bed. I think he had ulterior motives, but I wasn't having any of that because I was just too tired and my thighs hurt too much! Seriously, yesterday was horrible when it cameto my thighs. One would have thought I'd done a marathon of work or something they hurt so bad! Today has definitely been better though. I can walk up and down stairs without flinching every single step. Also, I thought Jay would be on his computer super long tonight, but my best friend is coming over and spending the night so their goes that plan. Pretty much when I go to bed he will most likely be coming seeing that she will be sleeping in the living room and that is where his computer is. So he will get Tuesday night and Wednesday night to play because Thursday my mom is coming up and staying until Monday morning. Which means he will have to be off by like 11pm at the latest Thursday night thru Sunday night. I know, I shouldn't be so happy, but I kind of am. Although, if he keeps true to his word, he wouldn't be on that late anyways.

I've actually given some thought to it and here's what I've come up with. I like him spending time with me while I am awake, like cuddling in bed or on the couch watching a little TV. And I guess I wouldn't mind if he wasn't tired when I decide that I want to fall asleep and goes to play his game. Because when I fall asleep I need to be not touched (unless I'm dead tired). That way, we get to spend some time together and he still gets to play his game. I was just really bent out of shape about not getting any time with him. In any case, things seem to be headed in the right direction. Always a good thing right?!

As I said, my mom and sister are coming up this weekend. Actually my mom is coming up Thursday morning and Emily is coming up Friday after work. The weather looks like rain right now, but the weathermen are never right so I won't get upset yet. I want it to be nice and hot so we can go to the beach and play outside a lot. Nothing like them coming up here and being stuck inside the whole weekend. It's always fun when they visit though. We are going to go to the children's museum, ride bikes, rollerblade, frequent the park, maybe feed some ducks, hopefully go swimming, draw with side walk chalk. All sorts of outdoors stuff. Bring on the sunshine and warmth!

Okay... I suppose that I should go now. Hopefully I can get some pictures poster later tonight of our weekend! CIAO! LOVE ME!