Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Anti-virus and spyware update...

Jack ole' buddy, Ugh... I kind of intentionally started a fight between my friend and I. After I got into bed last night I texted her good luck on her test today and then told her about how well the rest of my night went. Didn't get anything back from her, but didn't really care. This morning get a text and it's all about her ex and how he's forgetting about her, or so she thinks. I text something pretty sarcastic back (I know, sometimes I can be so mean... but sometimes people need a reality check) and then she texts me back saying how she's sorry it's hard and she worries. I then proceed to say well the world doesn't have to be about you 24/7 to which I have yet to recieve a comment and probably won't. At least I won't have to hear about all the little things that her ex is doing throughout the day that don't involve thinking/talking about her that makes her feel like he is moving on. I guess I just need a break from hearing it all because it's the same shit over and over with only a few words changed.

Weather was fine this morning so Jay had to work, but it looks like it is supposed to be pretty crappy these next few days so maybe he will have a day off then. Like he said, we need the money, but sometimes you just need a day off. I think he just really misses working with JT. Those two get along so well and it always makes the day go faster when you are working with someone you get along with. It always did when I was working with this girl Heather at my mom's work. Boy was she a character! I've tried to get in contact with her on a few occasions to see where life has lead her (she is my age and has a daughter two weeks older than Ayden). She definitely was very different from me in that she was more into the going out and partying scene and had issues with her boyfriend/baby's dad that I loved hearing about. I always hope that she has done something with herself because when I left that job she didn't look to be headed anywhere good. Who knows?

Ayden woke up a little earlier than usual this morning. 6:30ish, which was fine though because I was already waking up. I find it's hard to even sleep until 7:15am even if I go to bed shortly after 10pm. That's probably a good thing that my body is adjusted that way. Like I've said previously, sleeping later than like 8:30am and your morning is already half gone. It's what makes the weekends go so fast!

We went to the children's museum and library after I picked Ayden up from daycare this afternoon. I was going to skip the nap in favor of a fun filled afternoon. We spent almost an hour and a half at the children's museum. We had the whole thing to ourselves too! It was a lot of fun. First we did some fishing, then some grocery shopping, then playing with the trains and building things and then some more fishing. We hadn't been there in a while and have a years membership for it so I thought we might as well make some use of it. That and it closes at 4pm so by the time that Ayden usually gets up from his nap we wouldn't get a whole lot of time there. After the museum we went to the library to pick out a few more books. We didn't spend as much time there because there were tours going on in the children's section and I didn't want to interupt them with Ayden running around playing with the toys.

I had explained to Ayden about what we were going to do and that when we got home he was going to rest for a little while on the couch and watch a movie. Even though we were skipping the nap, he still needed a little quiet/rest time. He of course wanted to watch one of the dinosaur movies and wouldn't you know that about 15 minutes into the movie, the kid was zonked. So I turned the movie off and watched old shows of the Bachelor. Kind of relaxing and well I just can't watch anymore of those dinosaur movies.

Later, Jay's friend JT showed up before Jay got home. I invited him in and we chatted it up for a few minutes while Jay was driving home from work. He stopped over for something or another for a bike that he is trying to fix for his girlfriend. I was surprised to even hear from Jay last night that he was in Point. Ayden was super shy around him though. Not usual for Ayden because he was always JT's buddy buddy, but I guess because he hasn't seen him in so long that it was only natural. I told Jay that the next time he knows about JT coming home that he should tell JT to bring his golf clubs and they can go out golfing. They used to do that all the time last summer and I know that Jay would like to. I don't golf so I don't even offer to go with Jay, lol.

Currently I am on Jay's computer because he is updating the antivirus and spyware stuff on mine and it is going SUPER slow. I really need to go through all the programs on it and see what I still need and don't. I also need to take a lot of my pictures off of it and put them onto cds. I checked the other day and I have over 5000 pictures on the computer. That is way too many not to have backed up. I would be screwed if my computer took a crap because more than half of them are not backed up yet. I am proud to say that I do have at least 1/3 of them on cd's, but they are still not in any organized manner. And I think that when I get a lot of them off the computer it will move a little faster. I would like to get a new computer, as I think I've said before... maybe if someone will offer to buy me a new one. Lol.. that will be the day, right?

We have ants in our kitchen coming from under our dishwasher. And they aren't the little ones that we had earlier in the year. These ones are bigger and they have wings. They can't fly, or at least I haven't seen one fly yet... And it's not been a ton of them either, but it's still gross. I finally took the bottom plate off of the dishwasher to clean it out because I wanted to know exactly where they were coming from and I sprayed some ant killer down there. I hope that they go away, but with our luck, probably not.

It has to be said that Pizza Huts pasta dishes are really good. That is what we got for supper tonight and we still have about 1/3 of it left, that is how much they give you. Ayden said he didn't like it, but I think he related it to lasagna which he also says that he doesn't like, but I know that if he would have tried it more than he did, he would have liked it. He of course liked the bread sticks and had to eat some of his noodles before he could have another bread stick but he only ate the ones that didn't have a lot of sauce on them. Go figure.

I was going to post some pictures of our trip to the children's museum, but because they are on my computer and I am on Jay's that might just have to wait until tomorrow. G'night... CIAO! LOVE ME!