Thursday, June 19, 2008

Waiting To Exhale

Jack...Was last night the last night of fighting? I sure hope so, but I'm not going to think too hard about it just yet. Things may get better, things may stay the same. Only time will tell... but last night was one of those fights that start out bitter, dig into everything little thing and then end up good. No arguing or loud voices, lots of he said she said going around, but in the end we both agreed that things need to change in order for things to get better and vowed to work on it so things don't get worse. A step in the right direction? I don't really know, I definitely hope that we don't have the same arguement two days or even a week from now. And that is exactly what I told him, and of course he said the same thing. Is it down to a waiting game?

Back again... Friday now... I kind of stopped writing that yesterday afternoon and never got back to it because after Ayden went to bed last night Jay and I layed down and watched some tv together. I was all well and prepared to come back on and finish this, but I figured that if he wanted to spend some time with me I might as well take advantage of it. Who knows how long this is going to last.

This morning has been spent picking up the apartment and packing for the weekend. So much stuff to remember to bring along. Still have a few things to get packed yet. Jay called a little while ago to let me know that they are only working until 2pm today and then they will have their 40 hours in. That is good because then we can leave a little earlier and won't get home at like 7pm. Taco Bell for supper tonight. I really just want one of their drinks, but Jay likes eating there so I guess I will give it a try. I am not a big taco fan, but it's not going to kill me.

This is kind of short, but stuff to do and time stops for no man... wait really it stops for no woman! Lol... Until Sunday night probably...