Monday, November 3, 2008

Almost…Not Quite…There…

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I am sitting on my bed and Prison Break is playing on the TV and I am so supposed to be watching and enjoying it and oogling over Wentworth’s hotness tonight, but all I’m doing is sitting here wanting to blog some more. Reason for that… I can watch the episode of Prison Break online at a later time if I would like to. So, blogging it is… I did my Not Me’s, but I didn’t get a chance to add in more of what I wanted to talk about. Hope you enjoy the pictures of and video of Ayden. I wish I had the energy that he does when he jumps up and down on the bed. (Sorry, video didn’t upload) If only…

So, I didn’t get to tell you yet how I got to talk to one of my best friends last night on the computer. A best friend whom I talk to about once every six months. We’ve known each other for lots of years now, since before I started high school I think. We met over the internet and he lives in Vermont. Actually, he introduced me to another really close friend of mine who lives there as well, his ex girlfriend. We are really good friends as well and actually the summer I turned 16, I flew out there and visited them. I earned the money for the trip and it was my first time flying alone and it was an awesome trip! Obviously my mom okayed everything with Kristi’s mom and what not and so forth, but it was so cool! And it’s even cooler that we still keep in touch to this day.

Anyways, my friend’s name is Mike, and like I said, we only get to talk about once every six months so when I saw him online last night it was a great end to my Sunday. We talked for about a half hour because I really needed to get to bed, but it was good. I found out that he is going to be a daddy in a couple of months. I am so excited for him and I know that he will be a great dad! Super duper great, eh?! Who knows when we will talk next, so I really appreciated the time that we did talk.

I also found out today that my friend Niki doesn’t have to work on Saturday so now she is available to do my sister and my hair for my cousin’s wedding this weekend. Niki is going to call her work tomorrow to make sure, not that she ends up having too and then we get screwed because we already cancelled our appointments. I really hope that she doesn’t have to work because I know how good Niki is doing at hair and this way it won’t cost as much. I won’t say anything because I will give Niki a little something for making the trip here and taking the time out of her day. One day down, three more to go!

We have swimming lessons tomorrow and I need to make sure that I don’t forget about them. Jay has a meeting tomorrow night for being a wrestling ref, but I think he might still have time to come to lessons with us. I hope so! I hope that Ayden does good as well. He said that he is excited about them and wanting to go so we will see.

Today the weather was so great! Nice and warm and nothing like winterish weather at all which I was happy about, but then I looked outside at 5pm and it was DARK! And I hate it being dark this early because it makes it seem like we have so much less time in the day. I feel like I should be getting ready for bed all that much earlier…

I so should have done some laundry tonight, but I wasn’t in the mood. Maybe I will get some done tomorrow… not that we have a whole lot that needs to get done though.

Okay, now I think I am really going to watch the rest of Prison Break. Michael just collapsed and well they so cannot make him die, he IS the show… but something crazy is about to happen!!! CIAO! LOVE ME AGAIN!