Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Slow day…

The semester is coming to a close. Okay, so I really have about three weeks of class left (including finals week), but that is NOT LONG! Not long at all! I cannot believe how fast the semester has gone. I know I've said it before and will probably say it again and probably have said it about past semesters as well. But that means, only one more semester and I GRADUATE!!! Me... a college graduate! Can you believe it?! I certainly am amazed at how that sounds, but it really doesn't seem all that true yet. Argh... I suppose that it will come May! I have almost made it through one full semester of clinical practicum and I was by myself for most of that. I did speech therapy all by myself and my client has actually begun to make some progress. I feel so awesome about this! Just need to believe that I can do and wouldn't be placed with something that I cannot do. Faith...

Okay, at work right now. Some lady came in looking for someone from the Continuing Education office. First off, we have a room number outside our office and it is 103. She is looking for 025. Hmm, you think the person you are looking for is in this office? Probably not... and besides that, we have the people in this office names right outside the office. Do you think the person she was looking for was on that list? Nope! So, I direct her in the way of the office that she was looking for. I told her to go up upstairs because I thought she was looking for an office in the 200s, not the 20s. So, she came back... and figured out where she was really wanting to go and directed her to the basement. Hopefully she found the office because if she comes back I do not know where to direct her to. Kind of sucks that my little 'work station' is right by the door of the office because anyone looking for any place comes in and asks me, and do you think I know where ANYTHING is around this campus besides the areas that I need to go to? NOPE! I know where my classes are and where I work... that's about it. And how long have I been going here now, lol! But I don't really need to know where else to go, do I? Not a good campus rep, am I? But I don't need to be. In any case... I can rarely help the few individuals that do come in and need help finding some place and often have to ask fellow coworkers if they know where the place is.

Our afternoon went pretty good. We had swimming lessons tonight and Ayden did great! He very well could have been in the next class up with the stuff that he was doing tonight. He is sticking his head in all the time trying to ‘dive’ for the little sinker at the bottom. He was floating on this back really good (better than he ever did with me) and was jumping into the deep end with no help! Next week is the last week and I am hoping that they turn on the water slide. I do not know if Ayden is big enough to go down by himself (I hope so), but I would really love to see him go down. He also really liked it last year when we went down together. For the littler kids they have someone at the bottom catching them. And the waterslide really isn’t all that big either so maybe?!

It was left over night for supper tonight. I had some left over pizza from last night and Ayden had some pancakes that he brought home from Grandma Michele’s house. His choice… not mine. Fine with me because then I didn’t have to cook. And so the rest of the night will be spent relaxing and chilling because I got my ‘homework’ (actually clinic paper work) done already and turned in another copy of my final therapy report earlier today. Of course after I turned it in I realized something that I am going to have to change once I get it back. Oh well though…

Prison Break was pretty good last night, but they totally threw everyone for a loop and I guess the best twists and turns are yet to come. I was really surprised and yet mad that they did what they did with the story lines. There are for sure two more episodes left and the synopsis for the last episode I could find on the episode guide seems to leave it open for another ‘season’. Here is what I think will happen, it will ‘end’ in two weeks and then start up again in March like the last few years. Part of me would be glad if they came back again because I really like the show (don’t ask why, I’m weird like that because it is definitely not a chick flick show, and even though it has my super hot Wentworth Miller in, I’d watch it even without him) but I also think that they are sort of stretching it out now. I don’t know…

End of the week tomorrow, well for classes anyways. And then travelling day on Thursday for family gatherings. But I’m excited because last year we (the cousins) had so much fun at the one gathering. Purple pigeon dress anyone?! Yah, you know what I’m talking about! With our luck, the guest of ‘honor’ won’t even show, lol! Ah, we’ll still have fun anyways! Even if we have to wait until midnight for the cake, because you know we will.



amanda said...

the guest of honor NOT show. that would be awful. i never even thought of that possibility. will i even sleep. i don't know. ahhh.