Monday, November 17, 2008

Not Me’s!

Hop on over to and get in on the fun with MckMama (the wonderful creator) and everyone else who didn’t do things this week!!!

I did not make Jay empty out half of our kitchen closet just so I could sweep under the stuff that was in there. That’s being TOO clean and my house is never THAT clean!

I did not pig out all weekend and think on Monday I would stop with the junk food. And then I did not have a candy bar after my lunch today. And even if I did have that candy bar, it’s okay because they are really full of nutritious value.

I did not procrastinate on my graduate applications this weekend and finally start my letter of intent yesterday late afternoon. I did not say that I could finish it on Monday and relax for the rest of the night.

I did not have tons of fun playing with play doh yesterday because only little kids play with play doh. Oh wait, I’m a mom and can do things like that!

I did not have a rather uneventful week last week (to which I am happy for because a relaxing end of the semester is in order) and thus have tons of Not Me’s this week… could have just skipped it, but I look forward to reading everyone else’s and though I’d add what I can to the mix!

Have a Wonderful Tuesday!!!


kay said...

Play Doh is awesome. And candy bars are full of nutritional value! You know, protein and, um, chocolate! :P