Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kindergarten or Grad School?!

From a little ponderer at a few days old (yes he was that little at one point in time, maybe not for very long, but yes that little, lol… took after his mommy and chunked up by a few months old!)…

To my little guy starting preschool at the beginning of September…

…and going to be starting kindergarten next fall!!!

Kindergarten and grad school... all at the same time! Personally, I think I’d take kindergarten over grad school, even if we don’t get nap time anymore. I cannot believe that the time has finally come that I need to start filling out grad school applications. It feels like I am applying to college all over again. Oh wait, I am! Only five years later! Hey, at least I got done with college. Okay, so not completely done yet, but I'm almost there. Pretty proud of my self to say the least. My goal for this weekend is totally to get rocking on that grad school app stuff. I figure if I can get it done this weekend, then the people who need to write my letters of recommendation will have about four or five weeks until it needs to be done two and a half months until it needs to be done. I would like them done before I leave for winter break though as we start classes again around Jan 22, and apps need to be submitted by February 1st! That is definitely too short of time!

Tonight has been okay. I did get some of my homework done that I needed to. We had a clinic meeting tonight that went fairly well also. Learned a lot about submitting my hours, but still pretty much confused. Definitely something that I will need to further talk to my supervisor about. Also had a meeting with her about filling out some billing paperwork for my client. That went well!

Jay and I talked more about possible schools for Ayden next year. We have it narrowed down to three. Now I really don’t know how this whole school this goes. There are eight (I think) elementary schools in Point, not counting the private ones, and I’m thinking that I get to chose which one I want Ayden to go to. But of course this might be wrong as well. In any case, we have our hopeful list and the first one on the list is really close to our school. We also found out that the Y offers before and after school care at all the elementary schools which will be perfect for us because we are not sure of our schedules for the fall and will probably need to utilize that at some point. The actual school day is 9:05am-3:35pm. Kind of weird, but oh well. In any case, we also found out that there is financial assistance available for this care from the Y. My friend recently got a job through the Y in Green Bay doing the after school care and she is going to answer a few of my questions that I have right now. Obviously I can call the one in Point as well. I was just relieved to be able to ‘figure’ some stuff out.

Tomorrow I have clinic, but it will be a shortened session. Hopefully it goes well! I had a dream last night that I had therapy, but I couldn’t find anything that I wanted to work with and my client was coming and we had nothing to do! That would totally have sucked, right?! I only have about four more sessions to worry about. Getting down to the thin of it! And that means getting post-baselining done and final therapy reports done. At least I don’t have to do two of them like my used to be partner. I feel kind of bad for her, but she seems to be making it through the semester good.

And just to end on a cute note, I had to add the following picture. We have an 8x10 hanging in our hallway here at home and yesterday as Jay came down the hallway from the bedroom he stopped by it and said that it was his all time favorite picture of him and Ayden. Awww, how cute of him to say! Especially because he doesn’t get all sentimental about things like that! It is pretty cute though… isn’t it?