Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Secret Life of Bees

Decided finally to start a new book, even though I don’t exactly have the time. I was bored today after Ayden and I got home so we ran to Walmart to see if I could find anything as far as Christmas gifts go (because I forwent the craziness of Black Friday this year) and happened upon this book… I had seen the previews for the movie and heard it was a pretty good book even before I knew about the movie. Then my boss kept saying that it was such a good book and a quick read so I picked it up, along with another book. I am a bookaholic. New books are my type of drug, lol! My mom and I have quite the library going, although my taste of books is greater than hers. She prefers to stick with the mysteries/killer/suspense books where I like a good love story here and there as well.

Anyways, I am already almost 80 pages into the book and hope to have most of it done by tonight. So far so good, and it has proved to be quite the fast read as well.

My Thanksgiving went pretty well. Thursday afternoon we headed off to Wisconsin Rapids to celebrate with my dad’s side of the family and it was quite enjoyable. One of my aunts said something to me that kind of irritated me. Not worth going into on here, but I basically said it was too bad to her and I wasn’t going to do anything different. In any case, nothing to get stuck on. We stayed there for a few hours before heading out and off to Chilton to celebrate with my mom’s side of the family. I was surprised because we didn’t end up eating too late which was good. That was enjoyable as well. My cousin’s and I always have a pretty good time and we had some good laughs. That’s what it is all about… just having a good time.

Yesterday, good ole Black Friday, I did not attend the annual ‘family Christmas shopping’ fiesta. Although I don’t know if you could call it a family fiesta when no one really went together. Oh well though, I wasn’t really in the mood for it and Ayden and I hung out during the day. We went to my mom’s in the morning for a little while before she had to go to work and then back to Jay’s parents to take a nap. Both Ayden and I got a good nap in, thanks to him waking up pretty early Friday morning (even though we went to bed late). And then Friday night Jay’s mom made Thanksgiving supper and his Aunt Sam and Grandma came over. That was fun and Ayden was bouncing off the walls hyper. We played some dominos and chatted it up for a while.

Today we didn’t do a whole lot. We played in the morning and then left to come back to Point around 11amish. I decided that we were going to eat at Arby’s when we got into Point for lunch because I didn’t really want to cook anything. Ayden was really well behaved so we did and because he slept most of the way home I told him that he didn’t have to take a nap today. He was really well behaved all afternoon which is good. He is currently enjoying Jurassic Park and soon it will be off to bed. He asked to take a bath at like 4:30pm and so I let him. He stayed in for a good hour. I actually didn’t have to cook for supper either because I had a bowl of cereal while he was in the bath and that is what he said that he wanted as well. So cereal for supper it was. That is okay though.

Tomorrow I think we will chill around the house again. I need to practice for my class presentation tomorrow for Monday, but that shouldn’t be too bad either which is good. I also need to study for a test on Tuesday and just make sure I have all my clinic stuff in order for our party on Monday. Shouldn’t be all that bad of a day. It has been nice to have a few days off. Even though we’ve been gone for two and a half of them. Nice to get away, but still get some time at home as well. Three weeks left and then a nice break! I am excited for it to be done!

Jay has been pretty much hunting the whole weekend (except Thursday) and even when he isn’t/wasn’t out hunting we really haven’t talked. Don’t know, just haven’t felt like it. Not really an air of madness between us… like I said, don’t know. We kind of got into it a little bit on Thursday before we left. I guess I must have said something or done something and then he goes and says that if I am mad at him for any reason in the future I need to tell him and that he is done trying to figure it out and assuming that I am mad. Whatever, though… don’t really care right now.

So, I really didn’t get any Christmas shopping done. I got half of one gift and like a 1/3 of another. Guess I will need to pick a weekend in the following few weeks to get out and get it done. Time goes so fast that Christmas will be here before I know it, right?

I had this amazingly real dream last night and when I woke up I was so hoping that it could have been real. And then I went back to sleep and dreamt some weird dream about Twilight and Edward and about becoming a vampire, only it wasn’t another vampire that was trying to turn me into a vampire, it was our cat Diesel. Lol, crazy weird dreams, I know. And as I write this, Diesel is currently trying to cuddle up to me. Our poor deprived kitty who hasn’t had any attention in the last three days, just trying to get some love. Ayden would love to cuddle with him. I just sent Diesel over by Ayden to get some loving. He is too cute with that cat.

Okay, I suppose I should go now… more of my book is calling to me. Uh-oh… might have started my book reading frenzy back up. I usually go through some spurts where I read about five or six books at a time and then go a few months without reading any. Last one I read was the last Twilight one before school started. Long time to go without my favorite past time. Need to just get swept off into another world. Always good for my soul… going to curl up in bed after Ayden goes to sleep and drift off into someplace else…