Sunday, November 23, 2008

Come home please…

I wish my boys were home right now. When the fact is that they will probably not be home until 8pm or later. I texted Jay earlier today to see if they would be home for supper and he said no. That is fine with me, but I miss them. I guess it leaves me more time to procrastinate on my homework, right?

I was able to get my summary article started. I have probably about a half hours worth of effort to put into it yet to get it completed and ready to turn in on Thursday. I also finished the four assignments for another class that are due on Wednesday. I have one small question to answer yet, but that will take like two minutes. I need to ask another classmate about it before I write my answer.

After I am done with my post here (how long can I put it off) I want to get my grad school stuff done and ready for tomorrow as well. That shouldn’t really take all that long either. I’d say about a half hour to an hour of putting the finishing touches on it, if that. I also typed up some questions for my group presentation and emailed them to my group.

Tomorrow will be my last day of clinic for actual teaching. I am kind of excited, but I also hope that it goes well. From the looks of it, I will not have a lab for my speech science class so I will be able to go to work for a little while. After work, when I should be on my way to pick up Ayden, I need to go to the library for a meeting for our group presentation. We are going to be learning how to use the clickers. Hopefully the rest of my group shows up. I’ve emailed them twice now reminding them. If they do not show up, then we will not be using the clickers unless they take the initiative to learn how because I am done putting the effort into this. I don’t like being the ‘group leader,’ but because I NEED to get a good grade on this assignment, I have kind of taken over that part. It’s not so much that I need a good grade to get a good grade in the class, but more so because I am a perfectionist.

I guess that will be all for now. CIAO! LOVE ME!

P.S. Be on the look out for Not Me Monday… and head on over to MckMama’s blog to see where the fun began!