Friday, November 14, 2008

I like to…

MOVE IT MOVE IT!!! We went and saw Madagascar 2 tonight and Ayden was a super star while sitting in the theater! He was such a good boy watching the movie! The movie was alright. Definitely not something I would have paid to go see myself of course, but overall it even had the adults laughing at parts. Some adult humor, but still funny for the kids too! And definitely expensive enough for a family of three. I think we spent almost $40 for the movie. $18 for the tickets and then we got a big popcorn, two sodas, and I wanted some nachos. Kinda pigged out, but it was our first movie as a family and I really wanted it to be fun for Ayden and he was so excited when we were done. He is all for going back to see another one. Did you know that Ice Age is coming out with a third movie next July? I had no idea, but we saw a poster for it. I told Ayden that it is going to be coming out in the summer and we could come see that one. We haven’t even seen the second movie yet, but I’m sure we will by that time.

I am going to see Twilight next Friday or Saturday at the theater! I am so excited because if you’ve read from the beginning of my blog… I am obsessed with those books. I would so read them again if I had the time. Maybe I will read them again over winter break, who knows? In any case, super excited to go see the movie! The midnight showing is already sold out, didn’t know you could get the tickets ahead of time though. Maybe I will have to wait until Sunday afternoon to go?! And the best part- they are already talking sequels!

Today was a little rough at school. I was so T...I...R...E...D!!! For some reason, I am very tired today! And I thought I slept pretty well last night too. Could have probably gotten more sleep, but even so, I didn't go to bed obscenely late. Maybe it is just the fact that I am pretty warm and comfy today and the classes that I have had were in pretty warm rooms today. My second class, my ComD class, was in a super warm room where I actually had to pull my sleeves up. Couple that in with the fact that class wasn't all that interesting today and you can feel the eyes start to droop. It would have been so nice to just put my head down and fall asleep for a little while, but instead I kept it up and paid attention during the whole class and took notes like a model student, lol! I need the notes to do good on the tests so yeah, kind of had to. Btw, we got a re-grades back on our test today. The teacher made some changes to her test after she graded it and most everyone got some points back. I went up to a 94 on the test which I am pretty happy with.

We also got an email from my diseases class professor today saying that she had our group papers graded and returned to our D2L drop box. Well, since I wasn't the group 'leader' I did not have to submit the paper and thus don't know if she commented on it or not. She also said that in her email a couple of the groups might want to reconsider redoing parts of their paper to get a better grade. I was kind of worried when I read that because I didn't think we were going to do all that well on this project because we were struggling with how we wanted to put the paper together and if we had the correct information and what nots. So anyways, I go to check out my grade and we got a 100% on the paper! I was super surprised and super happy to see that. Now we just need to get a 100% on our group presentation of our paper. That is only worth 10 points so it shouldn't be too bad.

So for the rest of the night I think we are going to relax and then go to bed. Oh man, I just realized that I am missing Ghost Whisperer for the third week in a row. That bites! Ayden took his first alone shower tonight (at least I think so)! He needed a bath and I said that he could have a bath or a quick wash off and he wanted a shower. I explained that I wouldn’t be taking a shower with him and he said that he still wanted to take one. He was such a big boy about it. Of course I was standing there watching him the whole time. Wait, as I type this I think that he has already taken one by himself because I remember writing that I had watched him the whole time once before. Oh heck, I don’t remember and am not going to read through all my old posts to try and figure it out. In any case, he was such a big boy about that too. Now he is watching the end of The Pacifier from last night. We didn’t get to finish it and instead of wanting to play with mommy, that was his choice. Oh well… and next it is off to bed.

Jay is gone… he was supposed to pick up JT and bring him and his computer over here to see if they could get it to work, but that was almost a half hour ago and JT is right down the road at Kelsey’s house. Hmmm… wonder what is going on…