Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What do you say when you can’t say anything?

Argh Jack! I’m in a bit of a quandary right now. My best friend is having some boyfriend issues and after hearing about it for the past few days I have come to the conclusion that this boyfriend is pretty much being an ass. So my friend was starting to believe this and was wondering if the relationship was really worth it. Personally, I don’t think the guy is right for her. She deserves better, but after a phone call from that lovely boyfriend of hers (in which he really wasn’t any nicer and really ended up being more of a butt) I think she has decided to make this relationship try and work. Good or bad? I think probably bad, but will continue to only hope for the best for her. Who knows what will happen?

On a happier note, I think you could probably tell from my pictures and my Not Me’s that I had a pretty grand ole time at my cousin’s wedding on Saturday! The day went so fast, I’m sure faster for the bride and groom and it really seemed like they were having a grand ole time as well. The bride had this great I don’t care attitude for most of the day so that made things even better. Can’t control everything, need to let God take care of that and roll with the punches. From my perspective, everything seemed to go pretty good. Except, I totally missed out on all the fun of watching the lady bug. One of the groomsmen and even the bride had fun watching it, but I was oblivious to the fun, lol! I cannot wait to see the picture that the photographer took. I am sure they turned out great!

My week has been going pretty good too. Therapy on Monday was probably one of the best sessions that we’ve had thus far and I was so excited. I got a call from mom saying that they are coming to therapy on Thursday, but it will have to be a shortened session. I don’t know how short, but I’m assuming a half hour or a little less. That is okay. I was just happy that she called and let me know instead of not showing up or coming late. Super yeah!

I don’t have a lot of homework this week either. Just two assignments due on Friday, one of which I already have most of the way done. I plan on doing the other one tomorrow night. That one shouldn’t take all that long either which I am happy about. Also, next Thursday and Friday I will not be having my ComD class because of the ASHA conference. My teacher told us that she will be giving us our article to review and that is it. I am excited about that because next week I don’t have a lot of homework to do either. As well, Jay and Ayden will be out of town for opening deer hunting and I will be home alone.

I hope to get my grad school stuff started this weekend as I shouldn’t have any impending homework to worry about and we will be home for a change. Because of my current clinic schedule, I don’t have to worry about any of that over the weekend and I don’t have anything else due on Monday. I do have an online test tomorrow morning, but I am not worried about that because I got an A on the last one. What I am worried about is our in class final and whether or not we will be allowed to use our books or not. It would totally suck if we were not allowed to because everyone would probably fail. We teach the class with our presentations which means that practically no one pays attention. Or maybe it is just me, lol! I would totally skip more, but she takes attendance every day and we get points for it so I haven’t skipped yet. I just do other work while we have class. Naughty me, I k now, but we don’t learn anything in the presentations that I couldn’t read in the book. I would understand if it was extra info that wasn’t in the book, but that is not the case.

Ayden had swimming lessons today. Unfortunately because I had to meet with some classmates for a group project I could not take him. Jay and Ayden went by themselves and Ayden did super, according to Jay. At first Ayden wasn’t so excited that I wouldn’t be going along, but once he got to the pool, Jay said that he was all for the water.

When I took him to the doctor yesterday they pretty much told me that it was a viral rash and would go away in six to eight weeks. Yesterday the rash didn’t look so bad, but tonight when I was looking at it, it looked a little worse. I don’t know if the water at the pool irritated it or what. It doesn’t look like it spread any, just a little redder. They said that it wasn’t contagious and he probably won’t ever get it again. In any case, it kind of sucks. I feel bad for my little guy even though he says that it doesn’t bother him. I am going to keep an eye on it and see if it gets worse or what not. And if it doesn’t look any better in like two weeks I might take him back in. I mean six to eight weeks is a long time to go away, but I guess doctors know what they are talking about most of the time, right? I forget what they called it. There was a specific name that they used, but you know me, of course I didn’t write it down.

Okay, I’m going to chill for the rest of the night. I was up later than I wanted to be last night and didn’t get my relaxation time in. CIAO!