Monday, November 24, 2008

Bring on Not Me Monday!!!

Hop on over to MckMama’s blog at (if you didn’t happen here from there) and check out her Not Me’s and everyone else that has linked from her page. It’s great fun!!!

I most certainly did not start my Not Me’s early so I would have a little bit of something to write about/remembered because my previous Not Me’s have been kind of boring and short and I wanted to provide anyone that happened here with something fun to read. I always write my Not Me’s on Monday because I always have time on Monday’s as I don’t have clinic that day and Prison Break (and my lovely Wentworth Miller) is not on Monday’s so what else would I do besides get my Not Me’s done. Mondays always allow extra time for me… it’s like the clock stops just for me! If only…

I did not make my Christmas cards already and because I was so 'inspired' to make them one night, I did not just look through old photos to decide which ones to use instead of waiting for the right time to take a recent family one or waiting a little closer to Christmas. It's not too early to play Christmas music the day after Halloween so it's definitely not too early for me to have my Christmas cards made already. At least I don't have them all printed already and mailed out. We got our first Christmas card from my brother and his girlfriend two weeks ago already. Yes, for those of you who know me personally, Casey and Becky have a Christmas card this year. Too cute! Maybe I'll scan it in so you can see!

I did not swear at the computer when I was emailed that a class I wanted to take next semester was going to be cancelled because it did not totally RUIN my whole 'plan' for next semester. I did not sulk because now I had to go back to the drawing board to figure out a new schedule for everything. Wouldn't be so bad, but I have daycare costs and work to fit in there somehow. I did not manage to get everything figured out (I think) and am not relieved to once again have some order to how things will go in the Spring.

I did not tell Ayden we could go to Mickey D's after swimming on Tuesday because he asked so nicely. I had only planned on going through the drive through and getting him a happy meal... then when Jay asked if I wanted Taco Bell, I did not concede and we did not go through both McDonald's drive through and Taco Bells drive through to get some yummy fast food for supper last night. Because fast food is not cheap and fast when you are in a lazy mood, but it is definitely healthy, right, maybe, some of it, lol!

I did not procrastinate a little more than I would have liked on my grad school stuff. I totally got all of it done when I wanted to and do not have to worry about it anymore. I wrote this amazing letter of intent and everything is off to my prospective recommendation writers to get me into grad school. I am not worried about what they might write and I will not worry about getting into Point because it is not the only school that I am applying to.

I did not get sick of listening to a friend go over and over about their drama over the course of the past week. The same thing over and over and over. I did not try to offer any good advice only to hear the same thing. I totally believed her when she said that she doesn't like drama because she always seems to be in some sort of it. I also believed her when she said she doesn't make things bigger than they should be. I cannot wait to hear what the next drama filled segment of her life is. On a serious note though... I did try to offer some good advice and help her with her situation, it was just kind of funny at parts.

I did not enjoy two lovely nights sleeping alone while Jay and Ayden were gone hunting for the weekend. I do not love having the bed to myself because I most certainly cannot hog the whole thing and ALL the blankets and stretch to my hearts desire. I was not ready for my boys to be home on Sunday though and was not ready to share my bed again because that big bed always feels comfy when you are alone.

I did not get overly excited when I had a message from my client saying that they would not be able make to make it to therapy on Thursday. I also did not forget half of my therapy materials at home that morning so it was not a good thing that my client couldn’t show because I most certainly would have had everything I needed to make the session go smoothly.

And I was not relieved to not have to worry about my clinic write up Thursday night… it did not leave me time to make cookies (that were not chocolate chip with fudge inside- that we definitely not just bought from the store and plopped on a pan) and have fun with Ayden.

Our lovely neighbor lady did not stop by our place and drop off a CD of the Chipmunks (you remember the Chipmunks, right?) music for Ayden because she was making them for her grandchildren and she thought he might like it. That was most certainly not the sweetest thing and she is definitely not the sweetest neighbor we’ve ever had! Who could be nicer?!

I did not get to sleep in on Friday and did not relish it with every second that extended my slumber! But I did not get to sleep in until 6:30am which is not only 15 minutes later than I normally get up.

I did not get so excited about the Twilight movie coming out that I checked the cinema schedule four or five times last week just to see when it was playing. I also did not contemplate going to the midnight release of it… isn’t my sleep more important? Most certainly not! I did not come to the conclusion that I could/should probably wait until the weekend when I had the time to actually go to the movie.

I did not misread the time on the net that Twilight was playing and leave at 6:30 for what I thought was a 7pm show. The movie did not really start at 7:30… since I was already there I did not wait in my car for about ten minutes because I didn’t want to be THAT early. When I did go in I did not think I should have come even earlier because the line was not already super long when I got in it. I was not afraid that I wouldn’t get a seat and did not TOTALLY LOVE the movie! I most certainly did not go to bed Friday night thinking about Edward!!! (Real opinion on the movie- mediocre for the budget they had which was pretty low I heard, but they followed the book, got some laughs, so even though in my opinion it wasn’t an A list movie, I walked out totally glad I went because it gave me that same feeling as reading the book).

I did not get up an hour earlier that normal on Saturday to go visit a friend and did not have a totally great time visiting with that friend all day!

I have not been putting our fuzzy blue blanket in the dryer whenever I get cold just to be able to wrap up in a warm blanket because that would not be silly. And it is most certainly not toasty roasty when I take it out!

I did not dig out three boxes of old personal items and reminisce over them this morning. I did not look at pictures and remember old moments from my life and then relive memories from my old journals. No, I never go back to the past and do things like that.

I did not get so annoyed with my neighbors incessantly loud music that I banged on the wall so hard it hurt my hand. People are just really inconsiderate these days. I am very confrontational so that is why I pounded on the wall instead of actually going to tell them to turn it down. Getting in people’s faces is definitely what I love to do!

What did you NOT do this past week?!



Danyele Easterhaus said...

i did not read ur blog this morn while drinking my fav coffee in my new mexico city mug hubs got me last my pj's and letting my kiddos eat cereal at the toy room table. nope. not me.

amanda said...

casey and his girlfriend sent out christmas cards?!? how cute. must be serious if they're in christmas cards together!! :0) see you thursday. and i'm wearing a pink dress from kathie lee NOT kelly ripa. tfft.

Keyona said...

I think we all "did not" go to bed thinking about Edward after that great movie!! :o)