Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pityriasis Rosea

So, I webmd'd Ayden's rash and found out what it was that the doctor said that he had. Saw the name and remembered! Yeah for me! So then I googled it and found out a little more and that being in warmer water (such as the Y's pool) can make the rash look worse/more prominent. That would explain why my little guy's legs look so much worse than they did yesterday. The info I found also reitterated that there really isn't anything that I can do, except for maybe use some anti-itch cream if it still itches. It also confirmed that I wasn't going crazy when I saw the start of the rash about a week and a half ago and then it got worse over the weekend. It said that it usually starts with one spot and then a week to two weeks later more start to appear. Okay, feel a little better now...