Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I don’t want to talk to you right now!

Those be the words that my lovely four year old spoke to me as I put him in his booster seat after daycare today and started asking him about his day. What?! He didn’t want to talk to his dear mother?! Okay, so it is nothing new. We get into the car after daycare everyday and I ask him the same questions about how his day was and what he learned and who he played with, etc… Some days I get a really energetic little boy who talks the whole way home with me, and other days (like today) I get a crabby boy who needed to sleep an extra few minutes. So, I told him that was okay and I wouldn’t talk to him until we got home. You see, I’ve tried talking to him in the past and getting him into a better mood, but it only puts him in a worse mood usually. I didn’t talk to him and he fell back asleep for our 10 minute drive home and wouldn’t you know that he was ready to talk to me when we got home and was in a much better mood as well. He even raced me to the house!

With that, is it really Wednesday already? This week just seems to be flying by! It doesn't even count that we still have two days left because before I know it, I will be waking up tomorrow morning and Thursday will already be half over too. I'd like to say we've been busy and that is what has made the time go so fast. And although we did have swimming lessons last night, we haven't been extremely busy. Monday night Ayden and I played a lot of games while waiting for Jay to get home from work. We played Uno Spin and Go Fish and even did some basic addition, if you didn't happen to check out his awesome video from Monday. Then Jay got home and we had some super yummy frozen lasagna (Ayden passed, he hates it for some reason and he had chicken nuggets). And the rest of the night was spent playing and then me watching Prison Break at 8 and then a my paused John and Kate Plus 8. It was the episode where they renewed their vows in Hawaii. It was super cute... always love that show.

Tuesday... BRRR!!! It was cold yesterday! We did swimming lessons at 4:15 until 5pm and Ayden was a champ again. This time he was all ready to go and didn't put up a fuss at all. Hard to believe that we only have two more weeks of it. Time goes by so fast! Doesn't help that we missed the first week though. Jay told me that his friend JT said not to sign him up for anymore because him and his girlfriend Kelsey both used to teach swimming lessons and that they could teach Ayden. That would be great, only where are we going to go swimming for free? I don't know... in any case, I would love the one on one because I realized that the older classes have more kids in them and thus they end up spending more time sitting on the edge waiting to take their turn with the teacher. I will not pay $50 for swimming lessons for my kid to sit on the edge of the pool for half the lesson. Right now Ayden has three people in his class (including him) and because they are in the shallow water for most of the class he is in the water for most of the class which is what I like. In any case, I really just signed him up so he would have something to do. We don't have the money to go overboard on classes, but one a week is pretty nice I thought. He keeps asking me when he gets to play soccer next. That is probably a good thing...

I have been a bit more of a slacker with my grad school stuff than I had anticipated. I wanted to get the stuff out today, but now my goal is Friday. It will still give my prospective writers (well at least two of them, the third I work with, even during break) four weeks to get the letters done before I will no longer have class to go to. Three weeks if you discount finals, but who knows. I hope that they can get it done for me in that time. I also know that I am not the only one who hasn't gotten it done yet.

Tonight I need to get my powerpoint stuff written for my group presentation in two weeks. That shouldn't take too long, but you never know. Jay works and will probably be working late so that kind of bites as well, but we will survive. I was also going to work on finalizing my grad stuff since I really didn't do anything except get my clinic stuff together last night which really didn't take that long either. Spent most of last night just chilling after we got home from swimming lessons. Ayden really wanted to watch Madagascar so I watched some of that with him and worked a little bit on my computer as well. It has just been really cold and when I'm cold I don't ever feel like doing anything. Anyone else feel that way? I don't want to move... just cuddle with a huge quilt and be warm! As I type this I can feel my fingers getting cold. Of course they are always cold this time of the year anyways.

Our cat, Diesel, has been really loving on me lately. Usually I am all but pushing him away. Not that I hate him or anything, but he can really just be annoying at times. As I write this, he is sitting all curled up in my lap and being nice. I almost let him sleep in our bedroom last night. For the past couple of nights he has been curling up by my legs as I watch some TV before going to bed. Last night was no different and I almost told Jay that he could stay in our room for the night. The thing is, we lock him out of our bedroom at night because when we first got him he would wake me up at 2am every morning and not leave me alone until I finally locked him out. I stopped that by just locking him out before we went to bed. That way I wouldn’t have to get up at 2am. And the thing his, he was only waking me up… not Jay. Totally not fair!