Friday, November 21, 2008


Just a quick note… I went to see the movie Twilight tonight. As if you couldn’t already figure that something with this post was going to be about Twilight. Came home with a smile on my face. Actually, still sitting on the couch thinking about the movie and will most likely dream about it tonight. At least I hope so!

It left me feeling the same way as the books did. I can only hope that they come out with the rest of the books in movies. I cannot remember which book it is, but one of them is mostly about Jacob and Bella and really they could do without that, lol, because I am totally an Edward fan. And if you haven’t read the books you have no idea what I am talking about.

Not for everyone, but definitely a good love story!!! I didn’t think I would like them, found the first one used and decided to see what all the fuss was about and fell in love!

Okay, enough for now. I have to get up uber early in the morning! CIAO! LOVE ME!