Friday, December 19, 2008

3 'A's'... 1 'A-'... 1 'B+'...

...I think it is safe to say I did prett well this semester. I didn't think my grades would be up so quickly, but none the less, they were and that is how they stand. I'm a little bummed about the B+ (in my abnormal psych class, btw...) but was kind of expecting it. I walked out of the final yesterday thinking that I did okay on the test, but didn't ace it. Combined with the fact that I got a B+ on the first exam, and a C+ on the second exam, a B+ in the class works for me. And if I am figuring it all out correctly... I AM GRADUATING WITH HONORS!!! Okay, so not summa cum laude, or even magna cum laude, but hey... cum laude is better than nothing, right?! Four years of college and a child, think I did pretty good for myself.

I also got my audiology clinic assignment for spring semester and am paired with a first year grad student who also has a son so he definitely knows what I am going through. Should be an interesting semester. I also got an email from my supervisor saying that she has been talking me up to all of the audiology professors and saying that they shouldn't let me slip by. Seriously, HOW GREAT IS THAT?! I didn't even ask her to say anything! She is the greatest!!!

Ayden came with me to work today for a little over an hour. Three years of working there and this is the first time that I have brought him in. Everyone really liked seeing him and he was really well behaved. I even got some work done! Of course he was pretty shy and didn't say much at first, but that is Ayden for you. Speaking of him, he is pretty much back to himself now. On amoxicillin for the ear infection and some ointment for the impetigo... back to the doctor on December 30th for the recheck. At that time the doctor is going to look at his tonsils and possibly refer us to an ENT to look into getting them removed. It's not that Ayden is chronically sick with sore throats or what not, but she noticed that on both times that we were there he was really breathing through his mouth a lot. Despite him being pretty congested, he is a BIG mouth breather. She said that if she feels the need to refer us, she will refer us to the ENT (of the two at the hospital) that is less likely to take them out. That way if he decides to take them out it will because he really believes they should be taken out. Not that the other doctor isn't as good, but she said the other one is more likely to take them out.

I've done a little research on it, but of course have a bazillion and one questions. Probably getting a little ahead of myself here. But I'm thinking that if this is something that should be done, we should probably jump on it because we have the next few weeks of school off and that would definitely be a good time to get it done. Who knows... I'm not rushing anything... just going to see what the doctor's say...

Jay has been out working since 4:30am this morning (currently 6:19pm) and he has a wrestling tournament in Rapids tomorrow morning that he is gonig to ref for. And it is most likely going to be an all day thing. I hope that he gets home soon so he can get some rest before tomorrow. Otherwise he is going to be one hurting/tired unit tomorrow at the tournament. He is pretty excited and nervous about it at the same time. I think it will be good for him though because he hasn't really done anything with wrestling in a couple of years.

Yesterday, Ayden came up to me and said that he wished we all (as in our family) had a baby. What?! He said he wants brothers and sisters... someday kiddo... Mommy wants you to have brothers and sisters too, lots of them... Oh how I want lots more kids and to have had them yesterday. Someday... it will happen when the time is right... but it was cute hearing him say that. Oh how I love the things that come out of his mouth, lol!

I'm hoping Ghost Whisperer is new tonight! It was supposed to be on last week, but it wasn't. We'll see!