Thursday, December 4, 2008

Server Down

What is a girl to do when she has clinic at 8am and the clinic doesn’t open until 7:45am and she has four therapy reports to print off and the server for the computers is down?Hmmm… is crying okay? Okay, so I didn’t cry, but I was just about freaking out! I got into the clinic in time and thought I was going to have plenty of time to print off my extra therapy reports this morning (since when I went to the lab yesterday afternoon, which consists of about 7 computers for the undergrad clinic students, they were all being used and by graduate students who have their own lab that they can use and I didn’t have the time to wait for someone to get off because I needed to quickly print something and then head off to get Ayden from daycare.) So, my plan was to print them off this morning, but I tried logging onto three different computers and it didn’t work. Finally, I went to my supervisor who informed me that it wasn’t just me going nuts, but that the whole buildings server was down and they were trying to fix it. Great, that meant I had one report for four people to look at during our parent conference. And not to mention, this one had writing on from me when I turned it in earlier this past week and when it printed on Monday it came out of the printer looking kind of weird. Argh, wasn’t looking like it was going to be a good meeting. However, the parents showed up not too late and the meeting actually went pretty well. My supervisor even said I did a good job after they had left. It was kind sad knowing that I wasn’t going be seeing my client anymore. You know, that getting attached kind of thing. They say that you will always remember your first client and I’m pretty sure that I will. A bitter sweet Thursday.

The rest of my day went pretty good. Got a few things done at work for my boss and she was ever so grateful. She always is which makes me know that I am appreciated and that is nice because not every job is like that. I had two classes and we didn’t really get a lot done in either of them which was kind of funny because we are so behind in both of them. I guess that is okay because that is less material we will need to know for the final, right? I only have two more assignments and one online test that I need to do before finals. Wait, three more assignments, but I think the third one will be pretty easy so I am not worried.

Last night I downloaded a bunch of cool new fonts for my computer. And they were all free as well. I needed something more than Word could offer me because some of them are just not creative enough. It was nice to get some of the ones that I had on my old computer back. Crazy, I know, but I missed them.

Tonight we went to Walmart and got a little bit of Christmas shopping done. Oh, and went to Kohls as well. I had a coupon and Jay needed some new jeans. He has a habit of taking his good jeans and turning them into work jeans and/or blowing the pocket out in the back of the ones that he does have. Hmm… not fitting him as well as they should?! Getting kind of tight.

I think I must be doing something wrong with Ayden and spoiling him too much. What? Is it possible to spoil your child too much, well in some respects yes, because he was throwing a fit today when I wouldn’t let him get a toy at Walmart. He believes that we can get a toy every time we go and I am trying to teach him that we cannot. Apparently I am not doing something right because we had quite the scene in both Walmart and Kohls. Kohls wasn’t too bad after a few minutes, then he got really quiet and stayed that way until we left which I was really surprised about. I had to look in the cart/stroller thing at Kohls to see if he was still awake he was that quiet.

Grey’s Anatomy and ER are both on tonight and new! YEAH! These past two weeks have been kind of nice getting home from school and not having a whole lot to work on school/homework wise. I get to hang out with Ayden and play with him a little more. He thought he was high and mighty tonight because Mommy let him play a monster truck game on Daddy’s playstation. He was doing pretty good at the game too and he played it for almost an hour.

We only had a pizza for supper tonight. Didn’t really feel like cooking anything further and really I made Jay make the pizza. Not that throwing a pizza on the pizzazz thing is all that hard, right? I mean open the pizza, slide it on, turn on the machine, wait a few minutes. And might have some ice cream tonight. Don’t really know. Kind of tired and just want to be able to sleep in. Glad that this weekend we are staying home. Not that I didn’t get some time home last weekend, but it’s nicer when Jay is home as well.

Last week of classes next week! Cannot believe it!!! Oh, but I’ve been through that more than once now.

Overall, this week has been a pretty good week. Still have a lot of different thoughts going through my head which don’t help any or make things any clearer for me, but I am taking things one day at a time and going from there. If I worry too much about the future I get too stressed about the whole situation and thus… live today for today!