Sunday, December 21, 2008

Don’t Worry

I just wanted to forewarn my loyal readers, whoever you may be… do not worry during the next week if you do not see a new post from me. As I am so faithful at writing EVERY day (yeah right, eh?) and it may be a week before you hear from me again!

Ayden and I will be starting our holiday travels tomorrow as it is looking to be the best travel day out of, well tomorrow and Tuesday. Unfortunately, due to the prediction of more snow, Jay will not be accompanying us home until probably late Tuesday night and/or sometime on Wednesday. As it stands, he has been working since 8am this morning and will probably be working until almost midnight. He’s been might busy these past few days. Always happens around Christmas time… kind of a bummer as he is always so tired then and misses a lot of family gatherings as well.

So, back to the point, we will be out of town and not that I won’t have access to the internet, I just hate to impose on Jay’s parents and use their computer. Even though I know they have no problem with it. It’s just who I am… lol… Five years of dating their son and it is just starting to feel like home when I am there without Jay. Crazy me, I know…

I will most likely post my Not Me’s for tomorrow before we leave and you will probably not hear from me until Sunday night (next weekend)when we get home (or if the weather is bad then), Monday when we get home from our week away! Guess that means I best get started on my packing!!!