Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Beauty

DSC04178 Our patio windows with all of our Christmas stickies on it. Ayden helped a little bit, but mommy did the majority of it. We definitely have a lot more Christmas ones than Thanksgiving and this is only one half of the window. It was fun putting them up though and as you can tell, I am definitely not all for perfection, just the fun of putting them up with my family. I think Ayden had more fun taking down the Thanksgiving ones than anything.

DSC04187 Here is our wonderful tree sans any ornaments and with a little help from the awesome features on my camera. I like how the lights are all twinkly like because if you use your flash and try to get a decent picture you can’t really tell that the lights are on and it doesn’t look as good. Thought this one turned put really well!

DSC04194 Here is Ayden and our tree, plus awesome effects from my camera again. This time the tree has ornaments on it, but you can’t really tell from this picture which is okay. I wouldn’t say that our tree looks like one of those spectacular awesome Christmas trees where everything is perfect. It was lovingly decorated by me and Ayden late this morning and we had fun just pulling any ole ornament out of the the Christmas totes and putting them ALL over the tree. My whole goal was just to have fun this year and let Ayden do what he wanted with the ornaments. This being said, we probably didn’t put on as many as we did last year and a lot of the ‘good’ glass ones didn’t get put on, but that is okay. I don’t really care what our tree looks like as long as Ayden likes it and we had fun putting it all together. And doesn’t he look so happy to be standing in front of it…

DSC04206 Here is my pride and joy hiding under the futon trying to escape the crazy mommy with the camera who is always snapping pictures of him. We were having fun playing together today while daddy was at work plowing for most of the day. That kind of sucked, but Ayden and I played with his trucks and hide and seek and colored and watched some good TV together and had a good rest on the couch. For some reason I was really tired today and didn’t feel like doing a whole lot.

Right now I am sitting in a dark bedroom blogging and listening to the Trans Siberian Orchestra. If you have never heard of them or listened to them I highly suggest that you check out their site here and click on one of the songs. They are GREAT! I have seen them in concert about two or three times and even though all of the performances were the same, I would go again in a heart beat. They are just amazing and their music is very soothing for me. Plus the concerts were nothing short of amazing. I would love to go again, however the price of tickets isn’t necessarily cheap and I know it would be the same thing as before. My mom is the one who actually got me hooked on them and even Jay likes them now. He even came to one of their concerts with me… Anyways, they are supposed to be coming out with some new music at some point and then my mom, Jim, me, and probably Jay will trek once again to their concert! Until then, I will be content just listening to their music.

Like I said before, we really didn’t do a whole lot today. Ayden and I were home all day long and Jay worked from about 6am until 4pm out in the bitter windy cold. It was good hours for him this week, but I know that he is pretty tired now. Tomorrow, I think we might brave the cold for a little while to see if we can get a little bit of our Christmas shopping done. I haven’t been in the mood to go out and get a lot of it done right away, but I suppose that while I don’t have anything else to worry about that I should get a start on it. I have a few more ideas so that is good.

I have a short paper to write for one of my classes that I think I will do tomorrow. It is pretty much an opinion paper so it shouldn’t take too long which is good. Not worried about the grade that I will get on it because I have gotten an A on every other paper that I have had to write for this class.

I am officially done with clinic stuff, minus getting my hour form signed! I am excited about that! However, I did not end up with many hours this semester which kind of sucked and if I get a once a week client next semester I will not have that many more hours either. I suppose the only good thing is that I will have my speech hours done for my grad school part because I think we need like 10 hours of speech for that and I already have that done. My meeting with my supervisor went well and it got done a lot faster than I had anticipated which was good too. Just need to see what my final grade for that class will be, kind of expecting an A since I got a 100% for the first grade that she gave me. I hope to get all A’s this semester, but I am not going to be depressed if I get any A-‘s… it’s the B’s that I am worried about. Two classes are kind of worrying me right now. I need to do really good on both of my psych finals and they are the hard classes. Get my study boots on I guess! Maybe that is something that I will try and get a head start on this week and/or have my friend help me next weekend during girls weekend. Just what we will need to be doing during our girl time… studying, lol! You gotta do what you gotta go though, right?!

I started this entry kind of in a bad mood, but after a good chunk of TSO my mood has increased a lot… sort of has a way with me I guess! I love TSO!!!