Monday, December 8, 2008

Here comes the snow…

It's one thing to get a call from you mom, it's another thing for her to start that conversation off by asking if I am prepared for the 'blizzard' that is coming through. Blizzard?! What blizzard?! I wanted to cry... okay, not literally, but that much snow? Shows where my head was this weekend, not keeping up with the local weather, that's for sure! Well, I wrote it off and told her that we WILL NOT be getting that much snow because I WILL NOT allow it. Yeah, like I have some sort of super powers like that! Just put a big shield up over all of Stevens Point to protect us from the snow. I wish! So, upon waking up this morning, I decided that maybe I should take a gander at what these weather people are predicting for snow and wouldn't you know, we are supposed to get anywhere from 4-7, 7-10, 8-12 inches of that white shit. Yes, you read that correct, it can be inferred that I HATE SNOW!!! And because we are right on the line of things, we could get all sorts of amounts. I'm secretly hoping for lots because then maybe they would shut down campus tomorrow. Wait, I hate the snow, but want lots? Well yes and no. If we get a lot I would want class cancelled (like that EVER happens for college students!) and if not, then I want a little. Here's the thing also, if it just so happens that we don't have class tomorrow, it would provide an awesome opportunity for Ayden and myself to go outside and play in the snow. I may not like the cold icky stuff, but Ayden sure does and for that... I guess I kind of do love it in a half heartedly weird kind of way! I know, crazy me!

Tonight is Ayden's daycare Christmas concert. They hold one every year, but this if the first year that we are going to attend. In previous years it really has been a passing thought because I didn't think Ayden would actually participate. He might have last year, but doubtfully. I'm hoping this year he will participate without a second thought. Jay's mom had thought about coming up to see it, but she has something else going on at the same time and could not make it, which in retrospect is probably a good thing considering the type of weather that we are supposed to be having tonight. I wouldn't want her driving in that what so ever. We have decided to tape it for her, well we were going to tape it either way. Ayden seems excited about it and has been practicing his songs ALL the time at home. Some of them are so cute!

Tomorrow is our last swimming class and this I am sure of thinking. However, I just checked the Y’s schedule and it says that classes run through the 20th. Does that mean we have another week after tomorrow? I do not know because last week at classes I heard that the teachers would be handing out progress reports this coming week and I thought that they did that on the last week. Oh, I don’t know. I guess I will just have to ask.

Later… We are at home right now, should be on our way to Ayden’s Christmas concert, however because of the weather, it was cancelled. That is okay with me because the snow has really started to come down and I didn’t want to have to worry about driving in it. The daycare director said that they would be having a little something at the center next week because some of the kids were really upset that they were not going to be able to sing. Ayden didn’t seem to care either way.

It has been a pretty lax night. Jay and I both took little cat naps this afternoon while Ayden played the monster truck game on play station. He is actually getting to be pretty good at it. Not winning any races or anything, but he is making it around the track and not whining about not winning. Jay really needed the nap too because he was up plowing at 3am this morning. He is also now currently resting on the couch. I told him that he should just go into the bedroom and go to bed already because more likely than not, he will be up pretty early again plowing snow. He didn’t have to work after school today and should have napped then, but he was probably playing his computer game. Me… I was just tired and not feeling good after my lunch. Actually I still don’t feel 100% and hope that it isn’t anything worse than a little upset stomach.

Prison Break is on tonight. Yep, not only is it Not Me Monday, but it is that time of the week again! I’m excited! Always love my show time of the week!

I have an essay that I could be writing tonight, but it isn’t due until Friday so I probably won’t be writing it until Wednesday night. I am keeping my fingers crossed about classes tomorrow, but am not keeping my hopes up. Okay, so I am keeping my hopes up, but will not be surprised when I don’t have any emails saying that my classes are cancelled. Oh well…

My last speech lab went well today. Actually all four of them that we had over the semester were a waste of time, but extra points in the class that were easy to learn. Don’t think I really learned anything during them, but whatever. I don’t really care. We are only going to have four potential classes before our final and I am wondering what kinds of questions she is going to have on it. I would like to know if it were going to be cumulative because then I would start studying already. Okay, probably not already, but at least I would know what to expect. However, this teacher will probably not let us know until two days before the test because she is like that, always behind on things.

Ayden has been kind of whiny tonight. Don’t know if it is overly whiny or not, but recently he has really been driving me nuts. As much as I proclaim to be the perfect mommy, most of the time I am just trying to be the perfect mommy. I’m really getting sick of all his ‘I want that…’ and when is summer going to be here and just being overall pretty whiny. Or maybe it is just me being over sensitive to it. I try to just blow it off, but sometimes it is just too much. Need to take a breather! And then he does something that makes me forget about all that whining and melts my heart all over again. Take us driving home from daycare today. We were talking about the letters in the alphabet and out of the blue he spelt his name. Just like that, said my name is A…Y…D…E…N! I couldn’t believe it! I mean, I knew he could write it without my help, but to remember it and say it outloud without writing it, awesome!

So right now he is waiting to play a game with me on the computer. I told him to give mommy a few minutes to finish what she was doing, but like any other little kid, he has asked about fifty million times if we could play yet. Suppose I should probably get going so we can have some fun!



Ashley said...

I took swimming lessons as a kid, but I remember not liking them at all. I can swim to save myself, but nothing for competition. I send my son to lessons at the local YMCA and he LOVES it!!!