Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sookie Stackhouse Novels

I have found a new source for my reading. It has been maybe two or three weeks since I have read a book. The only book that I read throughout the semester (meaning the last 16 weeks, and that is a long time for me because I love to read) was The Secret Life of bees. Btw, a good book, might want to consider picking it up. I really would like to see the movie now, even though they never hold up their end. anyways… i was pretty busy throughout the semester and didn’t want to fall behind on my studies while getting sucked into a good book. As recently as like two days ago I was blog perusing and happened upon a lady who said she liked the sookie stackhouse novels by charlaine (sp?) harris. They are more vampire books, and well you all know me and my love for twilight!!! Ah, edward!

I immediately googled this author and her books and they sounded pretty interesting and off to the book store i was yesterday. She has a series of about 8 books involving the same characters. And wouldn’t you know, the first seven come in a boxed set. So can Ashley just by one book to see if she likes them, of course now, i bought the whole boxed set. so, i have the first seven and finished the first one today. Pretty good if I don’t say so myself… kind of remind me of patricia cornwell’s novels involving kay scarpetta. Definitely some good reads as well! I am really looking forward to getting my ‘fix’ of reading in over the next three weeks because I’m thinking I won’t be getting a lot in once the spring semester starts again. I so love just going off into the world of my books. It is what really calms me down and makes me feel good. You know how some people take baths to feel relaxed, some eat yummy ice cream, some go for walks, etc… whatever you do to really just feel relaxed and calm… i read!

Jay was gone all day today at the wrestling meet. Well, from 8am till about 3:30pm. Ayden and I painted and did work sheets today. We made handprints of our hands and he wrote our names below them. He is getting so much better with his letters, it’s amazing!

It is currently snowing out and I’m led to believe that Jay will be gone all day tomorrow plowing again. kind of sucks because that will be the third day. But what am I complaining about… some people have their family members gone all day almost every day of the week, if not every day of the week. i cannot imagine that. i’m happy with what I got…

It is so nice to not have to worry about classes anymore. Someone please remind me why I am applying for four more years of that crap? Seriously, i am so done with it and I want even more? What am i thinking? I will definitely be all schooled out by the time i finally graduate for good. They better not extend it even further in the next four years. And ugh, I won’t even be making the six figures. not with the way our current economy is going… it is a good thing i have to go for another four years. maybe by then things will be looking a little better.

Who knows…