Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Can you say…


That’s right folks, Ashley Jane Marie Schwobe got a 100% as her final clinical practicum grade! A freaking 100%! Can you believe it because I sure cannot! I could believe a 100% as my first grade, but to get a 100% as my final grade! I have not received an A+ in ANY class that I have taken throughout my college career and then here comes the ‘class’ that I am dreading the most… the one that I am thinking I will do horribly in… and I get an A+! How great is that?! When I got my grade this morning it totally made my day, no wait, it more than made my day! It was just great!

Also, can you say… addicted to change! I’ve gone and changed my blog AGAIN. For probably the millionth time since I’ve started blogging and it hasn’t even been a year yet. That is what happens when I am left to my own devices and I ‘blog surf’ for a little while and find some great hints from people and different things to try and do. I have to say that I am pretty happy with how it turned out. There is one little thing that I want to change, but every time that I try and change it, it doesn’t work. In any case, it is nothing that makes the blog look ‘bad’, but I’m just extremely picky about things. So, suffice to say, it’s great that SO many people blog these days and are willing to share their backgrounds and advice. My thanks goes out to everyone who does that… it helps us ‘beginners’ kind of get the hang of things. When I started blogging I had no idea that you could do so many different things and have changed my background and elements so many times now. But it’s great, and hang in there, I’ll probably change it another million and one times before my first blogversy. Did I spell that right? Yes, it’s a made up word that I grabbed from somewhere. Think I could probably grab a gadget for it too. So, in the mean time, I hope that you enjoy what I’ve conjured up for now.

It was a pretty cold day here in Stevens Point, but I’m thinking it was probably pretty cold all over Wisconsin. I had an online test to take this morning and I was seriously thinking about emailing my professor after taking it. I got an A- on the test, fine with my grade, but the supposedly 60 question test was really more like a 100 question test. Here’s the deal… the test was worth 30 points, each question was 1/2 a point. However, within about 10 or 12 questions you had to match anywhere between 7 and 10 items… 7-10 actual questions that were worth altogether a 1/2 point. Seriously, what is this woman thinking? Does that even make sense to you? Anyways, I was a little irate because 10 questions that add up to 1/2 a point, a little ridiculous if you ask me. Whatever though… I have a feeling that the final is going to be that way as well.

We ordered a panormous pizza from Pizza Hut last night and it was SO YUMMY! We definitely had leftovers today and that was my lunch. Just as good in my opinion, and Ayden had it for supper tonight as well. I think there is even some left over for me to have for lunch tomorrow too, well that is if Jay doesn’t get at it first. That guy eats like his stomach is a bottomless pit. I’m inclined to believe that a lot of guys eat like that. But he works hard enough, been up at 3am everyday since Saturday, or wait was it Friday?

Last night he went to bed pretty early though. It was kind of funny because I started watching a movie (Just My Luck) at 7pm and when we put Ayden to bed Jay wanted to go lay down in bed too, but he asked me if I could finish watching the movie in the bedroom with him because he didn’t want to lay down alone. He said that if felt weird laying in bed alone. Aw, I love you too hun! So, we laid down together and finished watching the movie and went to bed around 9pm. I have to say that I slept rather well last night too.

Tonight I watched the sheets, pillow cases, and duvet cover on our quilt. Everything smells nice and fresh and clean. I love how the laundry smells when it is fresh out of the dryer. Am I crazy like that, maybe? That’s okay… I don’t mind.

Two more days of classes and then done with the actual classes for the semester. Stupid UWGB is done with classes today. Wish I was there, lol! I so do not want to go to class tomorrow, it’s cold outside! I’m sick of walking in the cold to class. And you know what, it is just starting! I realized today that I am going to get screwed for parking next semester because I will not be getting to school until later. Right now with my class schedule I get front spot parking almost everyday and it cuts about 30 seconds off of my walk in the cold. Oh, 30 seconds is a lot longer than you think when it is super duper cold out like it was today. You know the cold, well at least my Wisconsin readers and others from places that get cold, that makes your fingers go numb after only a few seconds out in it. Wear gloves you say, well of course I do, nice thick ones, but ones that you need to take off to unlock your car door. I just don’t like the cold, lol!

My mommy sent me a wonderful care package full of cookies! Mommies are the best! The cookies are SO yummy too! I fooled my sister and told her we got two bags of cookies where as she only got one. Hey, don’t yell at me, it was my mom’s idea. Besides, I’m the older sister, I can do things like that and well it could happen, as my mommy loves ME the best and most! Not only the longest (as like I said, I’m the oldest) but also the most! Don’t let my sister or brother try to tell you otherwise, my mommy and I know the truth. Only, she pretends that she loves them the most sometimes so they don’t get too jealous. Too funny, we (my sister, brother, and I) have arguments about who is loved the most, and of course my mom assures us she loves us equally (well you and I know really it’s me). We will write on her calendar who she loves the most, put it on her phone, etc… it’s great fun!

Okay, a new Ghost Hunters is on and a new Estate of Panic is on after that, suppose I could take a little time for myself tonight and watch them… or I could blog surf some more because it is SO MUCH FUN and catch up on some of my blogs!



amanda said...

love the new layout. did you design it yourself or just take it from that site? i'm trying to figure out how to design the background myself too. hmm. let me know if you know how, that'd help me out for the header i told that girl i'd make for her. :0) thanks much. do you have any fav sites? share with me? please? :-) thanks