Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Wonderfulness!

My morning started out rather normally today. Wasn't expecting it to be a grand ole Friday or anything special like that. My work wasn't open when I went there this morning, but that wasn't new so I had a little while to spare before my 9am class. Around 8:30am I headed to the clinic to get a little bit of paper work done for my client and really didn't find anything that I was looking for in his file so that was kind of a bummer, but as I was walking out of the CMC I ran into the clinic director (not literally) and she asked me about my spring semester and if I had a few minutes to talk with her about the audiology practicum. I happened to have a few minutes so we quickly talked about what I had open and it just so worked out that my open slot worked great for her and we scheduled that in. Along with that she told me that she would kind of give me preferential treatment as far as getting a client assigned/time for the spring because she knows my current daycare situation/work stuff and that later in the afternoon and early morning wouldn't really work for me. I was super stoked to hear that, along with the fact that she would try and find me a partner and easy client that maybe was only once a week. How great is that! And from there, the day just kept getting better! I went off to the little 7 computer lab we have and logged on quickly to check my email. Oh wait, before I got there I stopped in the little student lounge we have and checked my clinic mailbox and had gotten a paper returned to me with a 100% written on it. This being a class that I can get A's in, but never a 100% because something is always not quite perfect. I was elated to see that, even if it was only worth 20 points. On to the email, and wouldn't you know it... my 11am class is cancelled for today because my teacher is sick. Even more greatness! Talk about an awesome Friday!

So my 9am class went pretty well. We didn't get through a whole lot of material, but that is okay. What we did get through was rather interesting, although we watched an Oprah segment on someone with borderline personality disorder who was a severe cutter and it was really graphic and disturbing. I am not usually one to shy away from watching gruesome stuff, but this was real and she was in pain and it hurt to watch. I wanted to see what they did with her for treatment, but we didn't get to see that part. Oh well... Then it was off to work for a little while and helped my boss get some things done and then I went to go see if I could meet with my supervisor early (I have a meeting set up for 2pm) because I was pretty much done for the day, but she was no where to be found.

After my unluck trying to find my supervisor I went to the cafe and ran into one of my friends and she had to wait for her clinic partner until noon so we sat and talked for a little while which was nice because we haven't gotten to do that very often over the course of the semester. It was nice just to really catch up and chat about school and what nots. So around noon she had to go and I thought I might give finding my supervisor another shot, but none such the second time either, and I think she has a meeting with someone else at noon. I have resigned to the computer lab and have decided to wait until around 1pm to see if I can get in just an hour early because I don't feel like wasting another hour on campus if I don't have to. I could very well go home unitl 2pm, but I would rather just get the meeting over with now.

I have also been trying to get a hold of Jay because he didn't know if he had to work today or not and I decided that if he didn't have to work that he could get the Christmas stuff out of the garage for me to find our stockings tonight. It is too cold for me to want to be out there helping him so I hope that he gets my message and does it for me! Lol, wouldn't that be nice. Otherwise I can just be a mean girlfriend and tell him to do it by himself either way. Haha, I'm radiating with evil, lol.. just kidding!

So, anyways, now I am in the computer lab trying to waste some time until I can get in and meet with my supervisor and get everything completed that I need to. Shouldn't take more than an hour I would think and Jay said that either way he would pick Ayden up from daycare today so I don't have to worry about it which is really kind of nice. I still have to walk in the bitter cold to my car, but I suppose that I can try and deal with that.

Grey's and ER were both really good last night and I am glad that I decided to watch them. I also just found out that I have this coming week and the following week of Prison Break left, so TWO more weeks of my lovely gorgeous Wentworth Miller. And here I thought we would only have one week left. Yeah for Prison Break! Self proclaimed addict, that is definitely me!!!

As for the weekend, not so sure what the plans will be. I thought maybe we would go get our tree, but we are supposed to get some snow tonight, possibly 1-3inches I think, which would mean that Jay would be out working tonight and probably most of tomorrow. I suppose that if he doesn't have to work tonight that it would be a compromise, but it would still kind of suck. Plus it would put us back on decorating, probably even getting our tree, and then who knows if I will be in the mood to on Sunday. Okay, getting a little ahead of myself, the money is still good so that is really all that matters right now. We need money and if that means Jay has to work when it snows, then so be it...