Monday, December 29, 2008

Why… it couldn’t be ME!

Even though MckMama isn’t doing Not Me Monday, I already had mine started early (oh wait, I wouldn’t do that)… and am going to post them anyways. Btw, keep MckMama and her little Stellan in your prayers as he seems to have caught some sort of bug and is on his way to the Children’s Hospital (per the last post on her blog)…

Were my holidays full of things that I couldn’t have possibly done, of course not… I had the perfect holidays and nothing went wrong, was funny, or mishapped!

I did not eat so much food over all the family places that I went that I feared not fitting into my clothes at the end of the week. I did not eat peanut butter ball after peanut butter ball… chocolate covered pretzel after chocolate covered pretzel… and bowl of chicken cordon bleu soup after bowl of chicken cordon bleu all because it was simply there in front of me!

I did not tell more than one family member that we were not going to sit and hand out presents one by one. I wanted to see everyone carefully rip off their wrapping paper and see what EVERYONE got to Christmas. I wasn’t the least bit upset that it was 9:30pm before we even started opening gifts. As if the great grandchildren hadn’t had a long enough day already.

I did not let Ayden go with my sister Friday night knowing he would spend all day Saturday in the same clothes and he didn’t have his bibi (blanket). I did not hope that she would get him to go to sleep without him crying about that fact.

I did not consider going back to Stevens Point Friday night because I was sick of sleeping in a different place and all I wanted was my own bed. I do not get home sick like that and miss just being in my own house.

I did not worry about our cat being home alone for a couple of days. I did not worry that he might trip the tree over. I did not worry that he might rip into Ayden’s presents that were sitting under the tree.

I did not freak out when I was putting gifts under our tree and realized I couldn’t find the check Jay’s grandma gave us. I did not lose a check worth that much money. Jay did not come in the bedroom later that night to tell me he did not find it in his glove compartment.

We did not buy a new microwave today with one of our gift cards because our prior one was not still in perfect working order. We did not just want one that was actually ours and a little smaller because our first one is not my mom’s old one.

We did not actually consider buying a Wii today because we said we weren’t going to. All of the cousins on my dad’s side do not have the Wii and I am not completely starting to get jealous of them. Hey, I have PS2 and plain ‘ole regular XBox. Oh wait, Jay has those, lol!

I did not literally jump for joy when Jay paid for our purchases at Walmart with our tax money from LAST YEAR! I totally believed we actually still had any of that money left on our card and was not completely excited to see we still did!

What did you not do this past week?