Sunday, December 14, 2008

Girls Weekend!

I have a little time to write while my friend is in the shower. I ended up going to her house for girls weekend despite the travel difficulties that I might have. Actually, my drive was good all the way here and the sun was even shining! Today, Sunday, it is pretty rainy out which kind of sucks, but it is warm enough that it shouldn't freeze to the road and I shouldn't have any problems driving home. We've had so much fun thus far! We really haven't done a whole lot either.

I got here yesterday around noonish and we did a little bit of shopping and then headed off to the Tundra Lodge water park for a few hours. That was a blast! Lots of fun on the water slides and venting in the hot tubs. We even got to sit in the hot tub outside which was awesome. Hot tubs in the winter outside... prime! Lol! After our Tundra Lodge experience we went to HuHot! I seriously have to thank my cousin's Amanda and Amy for introducing me to that place because I doubt I would have ever gone there by myself. It just didn't sound like something that I would like, and wouldn't you know it... I LOVE IT! Thanks you two! Anyways, we got our food and gorged ourselves because we were so hungry at this point. It was so good and we both left with our stomachs filled to the max! When we got back out to Niki's car we realized that it was sounding like of funny and then the check engine light popped on. It was a good thing that we were close to her apartment because we didn't want to get stuck on the road somewhere. Like we would know what to do? So we made it back to her apartment and decided to take my car to Sears to visit her boyfriend for a bit and then go rent a movie. Have you ever heard of a thing called RedBox? Yeah, pretty cool! We rented the movie Definitely Maybe and it was pretty good. Nice chick flick that produced some tears to say the least. Jay probably wouldn't have liked it though. And we made some super YUMMY puppy chow! Oh how I love puppy chow and it is so easy to make. Needless to say that I gorged myself on that quite enough, even had some for breakfast, lol!

Today I think we are going to run to a store quick so I can almost finish my Christmas shopping and then I will probalby head home. That way I don't get home too late and can have some 'weekend' time with Jay and Ayden. Ayden was a little sad that I was leaving yesterday, but Jay said that he was a really good little boy while I was gone and they even went to Mickey D's for supper. I didn't care though because I was going out too!

I have an online final to take today some time... probably after Ayden goes to bed tonight becasue it is a 105 question test. I also need to start studying a little bit tonight because even though I don't have any finals tomorrow, I have two on Tuesday and they both will require some study time. I will most likely go to work for a little while tomorrow and then come home and spend the majority of the day studying because Ayden will be at daycare all day. We are paying for it, might as well get some studying time in, right?

Okay... gonna get going for now... more later... CIAO! LOVE ME!