Monday, December 15, 2008

Nothing to help…

A mommy can only do so much to help her children when they are sick and when there is nothing else to do, you feel so helpless. And that is precisely how I feel right now as Ayden lays sleeping on the living room floor. He was up at 5am crying about his throat. A quick drink of water seemed to soothe that for a little bit. He then proceeded to sleep until almost 10am. From 10am through 11:30 he pretty much watched TV. He had a bit more water and I coaxed him to eat some fruit snacks. Then he took a bath and that seemed to perk him up a little bit. Lunch time was pretty successful as he drank most of the milk and ate all of his rice. He still complained about his throat, but had/has no temp so I’m not assuming the worst yet. After lunch he seemed more back to normal and even played with his toys and some of the monster truck game. I told him that he didn’t need to take a nap today because he didn’t get up until late, so I didn’t think he would even fall asleep for one.

Jay got home from his two tests and Ayden was doing pretty good. I left for work for a little while and got home and Ayden was pretty sad looking again. His lips are so chapped that they are bleeding. We gobbed him up with Vaseline, but of course he didn’t like that. Read a tip from another blog and will put lots on before I put him in his bed tonight. That will help.

I made some soup for him for supper thinking that would be good, and he loves soup. He didn’t want any and is currently sleeping on the living room floor and it is only 6:30pm. I suppose he will let me know when he is hungry though. I hope that he is doing a little better in the morning because Jay and I both have a final at the same time tomorrow afternoon. Hmm… I’m thinking if worse comes to worse I could get our neighbor lady to watch him. I’m hoping he is healthy enough to go back to daycare though. We’ll see…

In the mean time, I did get a bit of studying done today which is good. I made up my ‘cheat’ sheet for one of my classes that we are allowed to use. The second test I have tomorrow is the game test and I am meeting up with my friends two hours before hand to study so I am not even going to look at it tonight. Plus I’m kind of bushed myself and Prison Break is on. Need to let the mind relax the night before. After tomorrow then I only have one more test on Thursday afternoon. Just need to make it through tomorrow and the rest of the week should be a cinch!

Time to find something for me to eat!



amanda said...

i love the burt's bees stuff for the girls lips. vaseline has petroleum in it and really isn't supposed to be 'good'. i've heard a few people say that. so we went to the burt's bees stuff. and it works great and is 'all natural'. but truthfully whatever helps right?

Ashley said...

thanks for the tip about the vaseline, i did not know that!