Monday, December 1, 2008

Wasn’t ME!!!

More Not Me’s, because of course… IT’S MONDAY!!! Join the fun over at MckMama’s… read her Not Me’s and everyone else’s! It’s too much fun not to do!!!

It wasn’t me who went to Walmart to see if I could find some Christmas gifts and came out with two books for myself. Wasn’t me to read one of those books in two days and is craving to start the other one. Not me who has better things to do, like prep for a presentation and test on Tuesday and not me who will probably start the other book instead. I mean, who seriously likes to read and drift off to another world for a while? Definitely not something I relish doing when I get a spare second!

It wasn’t me who chatted it up with my cousin’s at Thanksgiving sharing stories about the blogs we read and how much we love Not Me Monday and how funny it is that our significant others just don’t get it when we say ‘That’d make a great Not Me’ and look at us like we are crazy. Not us! Because every should know what Not Me Monday is and the wonders it does for those who participate!

It also wasn’t me who joked with Amanda that we should drive the long couple of hours to MckMama’s house so we could get pictures taken by her because we both love her photography and would love to meet the inspiration behind Not Me Monday and so many other things. We (I) am not crazy stalkerish like that, and only blog lurk to my hearts content. But MckMama is pretty darn cool! You know it too!

It wasn’t me who took a nap with Ayden on Friday because I wasn’t tired at all after getting up really early with him in the morning. That nap definitely didn’t feel good and totally didn’t leave me feeling the least bit refreshed after I got up. And I so didn’t let him sleep an extra half hour so I could get an extra half hour of sleep!

It wasn’t me who let Ayden play in his room for an hour and a half before he finally fell asleep for a nap so I could finish my book. Moms never do that, especially good moms like me, lol! And we definitely didn’t have cereal for supper Saturday night because good mom’s good large gourmetish meals all the time!

It wasn’t me who kind of had a down day on Sunday and just wanted to have a good cry, but couldn’t. And didn’t even know why… because no one ever has days like that, nope never.

It wasn’t me who slept super great last night in a bed all by myself. I never sleep great when Jay isn’t here, oh wait, yes I do… I slept great last night, along with last weekend when he wasn’t here.

What did you not do this week? Bet it was some pretty fun stuff!!!



amanda said...

okay. so i totally did my post before reading yours. but i titled mine the same and have basically two of the same not me's. so funny. :0) great minds think alike. and i know you were thinking thursday...oh good a not me for monday. lol. i was.