Tuesday, December 30, 2008

‘A’ Okay!

Ayden’s recheck of his ears today tagged him as all healthy again! After a short consult with his doctor we decided to leave his tonsils alone for now and see what the future brings for us. They are still slightly enlarged, but she said that was fine. I don’t want to do anything that isn’t necessary. If he gets recurrent sore throats/strep/etc in that area we will look into it further, but as of right now, no worries. Yeah! That means no worries as far as me missing school goes either. Double yeah!

Another great revelation today… my work office is closed tomorrow. News to me! I was all ready to go to work tomorrow, same as today, but then found out that they are closed. Of course I knew they were closed for the first, but didn’t know about the 31st. I was excited to know that I got another day off this week. Now, if I remember correctly, Ayden’s daycare is still open, but I’m no longer 100% sure on that. Either way it doesn’t matter.

I’ve spent the afternoon (well the part where Ayden was napping) loading songs on iTunes. I had it on my old computer, but when that crashed I lost all of the songs I had on it. Thankfully it was probably only $50 worth of lost money because most of the songs had come from my cds. Today I redownloaded iTunes onto my new computer and have been importing my cds into so I can ‘refresh’ my iPod music. So far I’ve been at it for about two hours, not too bad seeing I only have two cds left.

Ayden took a great nap today which was unexpected as I told him he just needed to rest. He is always in a better mood after he naps though. Actually, he has been much more behaved since we have been back home and in a more settled routine. He is eating great again and ate like a champ last night. He had a thing of applesauce, two helpings of hamburger helper, some peas and then fruit snacks. I was really surprised because he hardly ever eats that much, but hey, I wasn’t going to argue with him about overeating.

It is snowing out pretty heavily right now. Jay didn’t have to go to work until 10am this morning, but I have a feeling if the snow keeps up like it is, he will be out for most of the night. That kind of bites, but not much we can do about it. At least he was able to do a bit of the cleaning that I had asked this morning before I left for work. He got all of the cardboard outside and the dishes done. I really don’t know where they are going to put all of this snow that we are getting. It’s bad, I hate it, lol!

On a more serious note though, it is getting dangerous… as far as the amounts we have and the places it is ending up. At least for people like me who have a super duper tiny car. I get up to an intersection and am halfway out into the cross road before I can see if any cars are coming. Yeah, that is really safe, eh? Maybe that is why I hate it so much, because I cannot see while I am driving. And you never know what the other person is going to do. I used to give other drivers the benefit of the doubt… never again! It’s not fair, I know, but I assume every other driver is going to do something stupid, so I am usually a pretty cautious driver. Or try to be anyways!

I am about halfway through book number 6 in my Sookie Stackhouse novels. There are currently 8 books in the series and I have the first 7 (they came in a boxed set)… I am aiming to get book 8, but it is not out in paperback until March (paperback to me equals cheaper) and there is a 9th one being released in May. Now they are nothing super great (compared to some other books I have read) but they are definitely pretty good. They’ve kept me coming back for more through six books so something must be pretty catching. It’s a vampire series and as I perused Target’s book selection yesterday I noticed many more authors coming out with vampire books since the hit of the Twilight books. A trend maybe? Who knows? I also want to get the book The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks because it sounds really good. I love his books as well and received The Guardian for Christmas. My sister said it was really good and I asked her if it was going to make me cry and she said, when don’t his books make you cry? Tis true…


I thought I would grace you with a picture of my super cute littlest sister and my super cute son (who happens to look not so happy in this picture, even though he really was). This was at my dad’s house just before we opened gifts. By the way, my dad makes the best mashed potatoes from scratch! Not that you cared to know, but I cared to share! And he made us some super yummy ones when we were there visiting.

Ayden got the Tag reader system for Christmas from Jay’s parents. So far he seems like it and the dinosaur book that I got for him to use with it. He already knows most of the book by heart because it is so short. He even brought it with us to the doctor’s office today. He was so good at the doctor that we got to take an elevator ride (his special treat if he is good) and we happened to hop on an elevator with a bunch of people so it was an extra long elevator ride today. He really liked that!

It doesn’t seem like tomorrow should be Wednesday. Getting all turned around with my days because of not having to go to class. Hmm… I guess I can deal with that.